
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.reunite; gather together once more after a separation; (of family members)reunion

    • chūn jié shì zhōng guó rén hé jiā tuán yuán bǎ jiǔ yán huān de chuán tǒng jiā jié


      The Chinese New Year is a time of family reunion and feasting.

    • zhàn zhēng shǐ wáng yé ye yī jiā gǔ ròu lí sàn zhì jīn bù dé tuán yuán


      Grandpa Wang's family was separated by the war and cannot be reunited to this day.

    • mǔ qīn duì ér nǚ zhāo sī mù xiǎng xī wàng tā men néng jǐn kuài huí jiā tuán yuán


      Mother misses her children terribly, hoping they will come home and be together as soon as possible.

  • 2

    adj.round; circular

    • tuán yuán liǎn


      round face