xī shēng

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice; die a martyr's death

    • tā xī shēng zài zhàn chǎng shang


      He laid down his life on the battlefield.

    • tā wèi mín zú jiě fàng xī shēng le shēng mìng


      She sacrificed her life for national liberation.

    • tā wèi guó xī shēng


      He died for his country.

  • 2

    v.give up (something as a means of gaining something more desirable); do something at the expense of

    • tā xī shēng xiū xi shí jiān xiū jī qì


      He gave up his spare time to catch up on machine repairs.

    • tā wèi le dà jiā xī shēng le gè rén lì yì


      He sacrificed his own interests for everyone.

    • tā xī shēng cái chǎn lái bǎo quán zì jǐ


      She sacrificed her fortune to save herself.

  • 3

    n.a beast slaughtered for sacrifice; sacrificial animal

    • niú yáng shì zuì cháng jiàn de xī shēng


      Cattle and sheep are the most common beasts slaughtered for sacrifice.

Word usage

  • Note
    "牺牲" is different from "赴死". "赴死" is a neutral word; "牺牲" is a commendatory word.

Chinese words with pinyin xi sheng