xià yù

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • v.imprison; jail; put in prison/jail; send to jail

    • xià yù liù gè yuè


      be sent to prison for six months

    • qiǎng jié yín háng ér xià yù


      be imprisoned for robbing a bank

    • nào shì zhě yīn yǐn qǐ sāo luàn ér xià yù


      Those rioters were imprisoned for causing a disturbance.

    • nà wèi xí jī zhě yǐ jīng bèi bǔ xià yù


      The assailant was set by the heels awaiting trial.

    • wǒ xiāng xìn tā de huǎng yán ér jiāng tā xià yù


      I believed her and put him in prison.

Word usage

  • "下" and "狱" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • He was sent to jail two years ago.

    • 因为犯罪

      He has been in prison twice for his crimes.

    • 什么时候

      When was he sent to prison?

Chinese words with pinyin xia yu