
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.lose heart; be disheartened; feel demoralized; feel discouraged/disheartened/demoralized

    • zài kùn nan miàn qián yě bù yào bēi guān xiè qì


      Don't lose heart in the face of difficulties.

    • wǒ bù gāi shuō nà xiē xiè qì de huà


      I shouldn't have made those discouraging remarks.

    • tā suī rán bù duàn shī bài dàn bìng wèi xiè qì


      Her repeated failures presented no discouragement to her.

  • 2

    adj.pathetic; disappointing; frustrating; piteous

    • zhè me ǎi tā dōu tiào bù guò qu zhēn xiè qì


      She can't even jump that high. How pathetic!

    • zhè diǎn xiǎo shì nǐ dōu gàn bù liǎo nǐ yě tài xiè qì le


      It's rather piteous of you being unable to do such a small thing.

    • nǐ zěn me shén me dōu gàn bù chéng zhēn xiè qì


      Why can't you do anything? You're so discouraged!

  • 3

    v.vent one's anger

    • nǐ méi bì yào ná wǒ xiè qì


      There's no need to vent your anger on me.

    • nǐ ná wǒ xiè qì gàn má


      Why are you discouraging me?

    • bù yào ná bié rén xiè qì


      Don't discourage others.

  • 4

    v.aerofluxus; bleed

    • xiè qì fá


      snuffle valve

Word usage

  • "泄" and "气" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 轮胎

      The tire deflated.

    • 自信从来困难

      She has great confidence in herself and has never been discouraged by difficulties.

    • 什么

      What are you taking it out on me for?

Chinese words with pinyin xie qi