
Chinese dictionary
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  • n.Sunday; the day following Saturday

    • wǒ men yuē hǎo xīng qī rì wǎn shang qù kàn diàn yǐng


      We have an appointment to go to the cinema on Sunday evening.

    • tā xīng qī rì hái zài jiā bān


      He's still working on Sunday.

    • nǐ xīng qī rì yǒu shí jiān ma


      Are you free on Sunday?

    • zhè ge xīng qī rì xià wǔ zài shè xià hòu jiào


      I'll be expecting you at my place this coming Sunday afternoon.

    • xīng qī rì wǎn shang réng yǒu liǎng míng shòu hài rén bìng wēi


      Two of the victims were still on the critical list Sunday night.

Word usage

  • "星期日" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 星期日

      one Sunday