xué shé

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.imitate what someone else says

    • yīng wǔ xué shé


      parrot talks

    • wǒ ér zi liǎng suì jiù kāi shǐ xué shé le


      My son has already started imitating others in speaking when he was two years old.

  • 2

    v.mechanically repeat what others say

  • 3

    v.infmlbe gossipy; be loose-tongued

    • tā jiù ài xué shé


      She loves to gossip.

Word usage

  • "学" and "舌" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 宝宝

      The baby can learn a few words.

    • 从来没有

      He has never mechanically repeated what others say.

    • Whom did he gossip with?

Chinese words with pinyin xue she