yìng jǐng

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.do something reluctantly for the occasion or situation

    • wǒ hē jiǔ shì yìng jǐng


      I drink when the occasion demands.

    • yìng jǐng shī


      occasional verses

    • chūn juǎn shì qīng míng shí jié de yìng jǐng shí pǐn


      Spring rolls are the most common foods eaten on this festival.

  • 2

    v.be in season

    • yìng jǐng shí pǐn


      seasonal food

Word usage

  • "应" and "景" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 儿子结婚

      When his son got married, many people gave him a gift, and I also went to give them a gift for the sake of formality.

    • 喜欢应酬还是

      He doesn’t like to engage in social parties, but he has been there for one time for the sake of formality.

    • 过年窗花

      Pasting up some cut-out window decorations during the spring festival was perfect for the occasion.