yóu jiē

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.parade (somebody through the streets to disgrace him in public)

    • bèi zhuā huò de zuì fàn dài zhe liào kào zài yóu jiē shì zhòng


      The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets.

  • 2

    v.escort (a hero through the streets so as to glorify him); parade a hero through the streets

    • yīng xióng pī hóng yóu jiē


      Each draped with a band of red silk, the heroes were on parade through the streets.

Word usage

  • "游" and "街" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 罪犯镣铐

      The criminal was paraded in chains through the streets.

    • 打扫厕所

      He cleaned the toilet after being paraded through the streets.

    • 英雄红旗

      Each draped with a band of red silk, the heroes were on parade through the streets.