zhǎng duò

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.operate the rudder; be at the helm; steer a boat; take the tiller

    • zhǎng duò de shuǐ shǒu


      a sailor to steer the boat

    • wǒ zhàng fu zhǎng duò


      My husband was at the helm.

    • chuán zhǎng xià qù le ràng tā zhǎng duò


      The captain went below, leaving him in charge.

  • 2

    v.metatake charge of

    • wǒ men zài xiǎo zǔ tǎo lùn shí yóu zǔ zhǎng fù zé zhǎng duò


      When we are in a group discussion, the team leader is in charge of the helm.

  • 3

    n.helmsman; steersman

    • wǒ dǎ le yī gè zhí bān de zhǎng duò


      I had lifted my hand against a pilot on duty.

Word usage

  • "掌" and "舵" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 船长

      The captain is operating the rudder.

    • He operated the rudder of this ship.

    • 我们公司

      He took the helm in our company.