zhǐ gù

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    adv.(do something) single-mindedly

    • tā huà yě bù dá tóu yě bù huí zhǐ gù zhuān xīn gàn tā de shì


      He kept bent on his work without so much as a reply or a turn of his head.

    • tā zhǐ gù kàn shū lián fàn dōu wàng chī le


      He was completely absorbed in reading and forgot even to take his meal.

    • tā shén me shì yě bù wèn zhǐ gù zuò xia kàn bào


      He did nothing but sit there reading the paper.

  • 2

    v.be only concerned with; just think of; be absorbed in; only care for

    • tā jiù zhǐ gù zhuàn qián


      He's just trying to make money.

    • nǐ bié zhǐ gù nǐ zì jǐ


      Don't just think of yourself.

    • zhǐ gù yī fāng miàn hái bù xíng hái yào jiān gù qí tā fāng miàn


      It won't do just to think of one aspect of it. The other aspects must also be taken into consideration.