zhì yuàn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.ideal; wish; aspiration

    • tā de zhì yuàn shì dāng gè jiào shī


      She wishes to be a teacher.

    • zǔ guó de xū yào jiù shì wǒ de zhì yuàn


      My wish is to do what my country needs me to do.

    • wéi guó zhēng guāng de zhì yuàn jī lì zhe yùn dòng yuán kè kǔ xùn liàn


      The desire to win glory for their country impels the athletes to train diligently.

  • 2

    v.do something of one's own free will; volunteer (to do something)

    • tā men dé dào yī pī zhì yuàn zhě de dà lì xié zhù


      They were ably assisted by a team of volunteers.

    • wǒ men wán quán yī kào wǒ men de zhì yuàn zhě


      We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers.

    • zhì yuàn zhě zài xué dào hěn duō dōng xi de tóng shí hái néng dé dào lè qù


      Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain.

Word usage

  • Note
    "志愿" is different from "自愿". "志愿" is usually used in formal cases; "自愿" can be used in most cases and is not as formal as "志愿".
  • "志愿" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 志愿

      one aspiration