zhōu zhuǎn

Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.turn over

    • qīng gōng yè de tóu zī zhōu zhuǎn kuài


      Turnover of investment is fast in light industries.

    • zhè jiā shāng diàn shí xíng dà jiǎn jià yǐ kuài sù zhōu zhuǎn zī jīn


      The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover.

    • chāo shì de huò wù zhōu zhuǎn de kuài


      A supermarket will turn over its stock very rapidly.

  • 2

    v.have enough to meet the need

    • yì wù láo dòng de xué shēng fēi cháng duō tǔ kuāng zhōu zhuǎn bù kāi


      We have many students here to do volunteer labour, but there aren't enough carrying baskets to go round.

    • yào jiě jué xiàn jīn zhōu zhuǎn bù kāi de wèn tí


      Solve the problem of cash flow.

    • suō duǎn jiè yuè qī xiàn jiā kuài tú shū zhōu zhuǎn


      Shorten the borrowing period and speed up the turnover of books.