zhǔ guǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.be responsible for; be in charge of; superintend

    • tā shòu mìng zhǔ guǎn zhè ge bù mén


      He was placed in charge of the department.

    • quán miàn gōng zuò yóu tā zhǔ guǎn


      He is in charge of the overall work.

    • tā zhǔ guǎn hòu qín jiān guǎn jī jiàn


      He's in charge of logistics and infrastructure.

  • 2

    n.person in charge

    • tā shì wǒ men bù mén zhǔ guǎn


      He is our department head.

    • tā kě yǐ gèng yǒu quán wēi de zuò dào zhè yī diǎn bìng qiě xiàng fēi zhí xíng zhǔ guǎn yī yàng bù piān bù yǐ


      He can do that with more authority and impartiality as a non-executive.

    • jiào nǐ men de zhǔ guǎn gōng chéng shī lái


      Call your engineer in charge.

Word usage

  • "主管" is often matched with measure word "个"or"名"or"位".
    • 主管

      one director

    • 主管

      one director

    • 主管

      one director