zǒu huǒ

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    v.(of firearms) discharge/fire accidentally; go off at half cock

    • tā yī shí bù shèn rán hòu qiāng zǒu huǒ le


      He wasn't careful and his rifle went off accidentally.

    • wǒ men zhèng zhēng duó nà bǎ qiāng zhè shí tā tū rán zǒu huǒ le


      We were struggling for the gun when it went off!

  • 2

    v.spark; fire caused by the leakage of electricity due to the damaged wire

    • diàn xiàn huì zǒu huǒ


      The electricity wire emitted sparks.

  • 3

    v.metaoverstate; go too far in what one says; put something too strongly

    • tā shuō huà hěn zǒu huǒ


      She often overstates things.

    • zhè nǐ kě jiù shuō de zǒu huǒ le


      You overstated things here.

  • 4

    v.dialbe on fire; catch fire

    • cāng fáng zǒu huǒ


      The storehouse caught fire.

Word usage

  • "走" and "火" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • The gun discharged accidentally.

    • 仓库去年

      A fire took place in the warehouse once last year.

    • 去年

      A fire took place in the mountain last year.