HSK level V

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 5.

jiāo wǎng交往associate

jiāo huàn交换exchange; barter

jiāo jì交际have contact with

jià zhí价值value; positive effect

huǒ bàn伙伴companion

jiǎ rú假如supposing

jiǎ zhuāng假装pretend

jiǎ shè假设suppose; fabricate

jiàn shēn健身keep fit

jiān zhí兼职hold a concurrent post; concurrent post

huárow; be to one's profit

jiǎn dāo剪刀shears

huà xué化学chemistry; celluloid

huá yì华裔China and its neighbouring countries; ethnic Chinese

jí gé及格pass a test, an examination, etc.

hòu guǒ后果consequence

hū xī呼吸breathe; breathing

jiā bīn嘉宾distinguished/important guest

jiān jué坚决resolute

jiān qiáng坚强firm; strengthen

jī běn基本foundation; fundamental

pot; used for vessels

jiā zi夹子clip; folder

hūn yīn婚姻marriage

hūn lǐ婚礼wedding

jiàmarry of a woman; shift

jiā xiāng家乡hometown

jiā wù家务household duties/chores

jiā tíng家庭family

jì mò寂寞lonely; quiet

huàn xiǎng幻想illusion; fancy

jiàn lì建立found; establish

jiàn zhù建筑build; building

jiàn shè建设build; work hard to improve the living conditions

hū rán忽然all of a sudden

hū shì忽视ignore

huái yùn怀孕be pregnant

huái niàn怀念reminisce

jí máng急忙hurried

jí zhěn急诊emergency call/treatment; treat someone emergently

huī fù恢复renew; recover

huāng zhāng慌张flustered

huò xǔ或许perhaps

huīwave; wipe off

jiǎnpick up

jiē dài接待receive

jiē chù接触get in touch with; engage

jiē jìn接近be close to; approximation

jiào cái教材teaching material

jiào liàn教练train; coach

jiào xùn教训lesson; give somebody a talking-to

jī qì机器machinery; apparatus

jí qí极其extremely

huì lǜ汇率exchange rate

huó yuè活跃active; invigorate

jiāoirrigate; pour liquid on

huáslide; slippery

jī liè激烈intense; uplifting

huǒ chái火柴match

huīash; dust

huī chén灰尘dust

huī xīn灰心lose heart

jiǎo huá狡猾crafty

jiǎbe/rank first; shell

jiǎn lì简历curriculum vitae

jiǎn zhí简直at all; might as well

hú tu糊涂muddled; messy

jì lù纪录record

jì lǜ纪律discipline

jì niàn纪念commemorate; memento

jié hé结合unite; be united in wedlock

jiē shi结实solid; strong

jié gòu结构structure; construction

huǎn jiě缓解subside; alleviate

jī ròu肌肉muscle

jiān bǎng肩膀shoulder

hú tòng胡同alley

hú shuō胡说talk nonsense; nonsense

jiāo shuǐ胶水mucilage

jiān jù艰巨formidable

jiān kǔ艰苦arduous

jié shěng节省save

huā shēng花生peanut

hú dié蝴蝶butterfly

jiǎo dù角度angle; point of view

jì suàn计算calculate; consider

jì lù记录record; minutes

jì yì记忆remember; memory

jiǎng zuò讲座a course of lectures

jiǎng jiu讲究be particular/fastidious about; careful study

huà tí话题topic

jiàng yóu酱油soy

jiàn pán键盘keyboard

jiē duàn阶段stage

jí zhōng集中concentrate; collective

jí tǐ集体collective

jí hé集合assemble; collect

jià shǐ驾驶drive

huáng jīn黄金gold; precious

hòu bèi后背back; at the back