HSK level V

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 5.

lè guān乐观optimistic

liàngbright; loud and clear

kuài jì会计accountant

jù lè bù俱乐部meeting place of a club

jiè kǒu借口use as an excuse/a pretext; excuse

kè fú克服surmount; restrain

jù tǐ具体concrete; particular

jù bèi具备possess

jūn shì军事military

jué xīn决心determination; resolute

jué sài决赛finals

lěng dàn冷淡slack; cold

lì xī利息interest

lì rùn利润profit

lì yòng利用use; take advantage of

lì yì利益benefit

kè kǔ刻苦assiduous; simple and frugal

lì liàng力量bodily strength; ability

láo dong劳动cause somebody trouble

láo jià劳驾excuse me

kǎ chē卡车lorry

lí mǐ厘米centimetre

kǒu wèi口味taste; the flavour or taste of food

kě pà可怕horrible

kě jiàn可见to be visible; visible

kě kào可靠reliable; credible

jūn yún均匀even

kuāexaggerate; praise

kuā zhāng夸张hyperbole; superlative

lǎo lao姥姥grandmother; midwife

kè guān客观objective; unbiased

kuānwide; breadth

jìn lì尽力do all one can

jǐn kuài尽快as quickly as possible

jìn liàng尽量reach the limit

jū rán居然unexpectedly; obviously

jièexpire; session

jù dà巨大enormous

kāi fā开发develop; tap

kāi fàng开放come into bloom; lift a ban, restriction, etc.

kāi shuǐ开水boiling water; boiled water

liàn ài恋爱love; love affair

jièguard against; warn

jiè zhi戒指ring

kuò dà扩大expand

lánbar; be directed right at

juānrelinquish; donate

jù shuō据说allegedly

kòng zhì控制control; control

jiùrescue; help

kūn chóng昆虫insect

lǎng dú朗读read loudly and clearly


lànsoft; rotten

lǐ yóu理由reason

lǐ lùn理论theory; argue

kàn bu qǐ看不起look down on

kàn wàng看望call on

kǎnslash; reduce

lí hūn离婚break up/dissolve a marriage

kòng xián空闲free time; free

kōng jiān空间space

lì kè立刻immediately

lì jí立即immediately

lèi xíng类型type

liáng shi粮食grain

jīng lì精力energy

jīng shen精神drive; lively

jǐn jí紧急urgent

jīng diǎn经典classics; scriptures

jīng shāng经商be in business

jīng yíng经营manage; plan and organize

jié lùn结论conclusion; verdict

jié zhàng结账settle accounts

jué duì绝对absolute; absolutely

lǎo po老婆wife

lǎo shi老实honest; well-behaved

lǎo bǎn老板owner; master

lǎo bǎi xìng老百姓civilian

lǎo shǔ老鼠mouse

lián hé联合unite; alliance

jiù jiu舅舅mother's brother

liáng hǎo良好fine

jué sè角色role; type of character in life

kè chéng课程course

jǐn shèn谨慎prudent

là jiāo辣椒chilli; fruit of this plant

jìn dài近代modern times; capitalist times

jìn kǒu进口entrance; enter port

jìn bù进步progress; progressive

lián máng连忙promptly

lián xù连续continuous

jiǔ bā酒吧bar

jīn shǔ金属metal

léithunder; mine

kàolean against; stand by the side of

something small and round; used for small, round things

can; conquer

kāi mù shì开幕式opening ceremony

jiù hù chē救护车ambulance