不翼而飞"fly without wings"; spread like wildfire/on the wings of the wind
人性humanity; human feelings and reason
休学suspend one's schooling without losing one's status as a student
依lean on/against; depend/rely on
存心cherish certain intentions; intentionally
实惠material benefit; substantial
平衡balanced; bring into equilibrium
得体befitting one's position or suited to the occasion
戒备physically be on the alert; psychologically take precautions against
战战兢兢trembling with fear; apprehensive and cautious
治理administer; bring under control
脸皮skin of the face; sensibilities
龇牙咧嘴look fierce; contort one's face in agony
惊慌失措be frightened out of one's wits
按劳取酬recompense is made according to the amoumt of labour expended