D Chinese ACC I

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 5.

bù zú guà chǐ不足挂齿not worth hanging on the teeth

fēng shōu丰收crop well

cóng róng从容calm; plentiful

chuán dì传递transmit

dī sān xià sì低三下四obsequious

hé cháng何尝ever so

chàng dǎo倡导initiate

qīng xié倾斜incline; be in favour of

kè zhì克制exercise restraint

xiōng shǒu凶手murderer

fēn cun分寸sense of propriety/proportion

bō duó剥夺deprive; deprive by law

nán yuán běi zhé南辕北辙go south by driving the chariot north

tóng bù同步synchronize; keep step/pace with

huí wèi回味aftertaste; call something to mind and ponder over it

dà jīng xiǎo guài大惊小怪be surprised/alarmed at something very ordinary

tiān yá hǎi jiǎo天涯海角far apart

shē chǐ奢侈wasteful

rú yǐng suí xíng如影随形as the shadow follows the form -- very closely associated with each other

luán shēng孪生twin; hemitropism

yǔ zhòu宇宙universe; world

shǒu hòu守候wait for; keep a vigil

ān pín lè dào安贫乐道be content with poverty, caring only for one's principles

zūn yán尊严dignity; dignified status

páng dà庞大massive

kāng fù康复recovered

mí bǔ弥补remedy

zhēng zhào征兆sign

tú rán徒然in vain; only

yōu chóu忧愁worried

shùconsideration for others; be considerate/thoughtful towards others

huàn nàn患难trials and tribulations

xuán yá悬崖precipice; be in imminent danger

bēi jù悲剧tragedy; mishaps

yù hé愈合heal

gǎn guān感官sensory organ

zhé yāo折腰bow; respect

dǐ yù抵御resist

bō fàng播放be played on the air; broadcast a TV programme

méng lóng朦胧dim moonlight; obscure

běn néng本能instinct; instinctive

chú chuāng橱窗shop window facing the street; glass-fronted billboard

zhèng zhuāng正装formal clothes/attire

bù lǚ步履walk

chén jìn沉浸soak something; be immersed in

yáng yì洋溢brim with

fú xiàn浮现reappear in one's mind; appear

wēn xīn温馨cozy

jiān áo煎熬suffer

mù shī牧师pastor

gān lín甘霖timely rain

zhēn dì真谛true essence


kuàng shí矿石ore

pò liè破裂crack; break down

sī xià私下in private; without appropriate procedure

mì jué秘诀key

zhì xī窒息suffocate; hinder the development of something

jīng huá精华essence; brilliance

jiū chán纠缠get entangled; pester

quē hàn缺憾regret

zì fā自发spontaneous

jǐng wèi警卫guard; guard with armed forces

chǎn mèi谄媚flatter

jiànremonstrate with

qiān gōng谦恭modest and courteous

xián rén贤人a person of virtue

pín jiàn贫贱poor and lowly

zhuǎn jiāo转交pass on

hōng hōng liè liè轰轰烈烈dynamic

jìn qǔ进取be eager to make progress

jiǔ jīng酒精alcohol

xù jiǔ酗酒excessive drinking

kù sì酷似be exactly like

shǎn yào闪耀glitter

jiàn xì间隙gap; clearance

jiàng lín降临befall

líng luàn零乱all over the shop

lù shuǐ露水dew; ephemeral

fēng bào风暴storm; large-scale, tumultuous event or phenomenon

má bì麻痹paralysis; numbed

dàn yuàn但愿I wish

qiān yán wàn yǔ千言万语thousands and thousands of words

guān yìn官印official seal

qǐ bù岂不Isn't that...?

zhuì zhuì bù ān惴惴不安be anxious and fearful

jiǎn yán zhī简言之briefly

zōng máo鬃毛acicula

bái fà cāng cāng白发苍苍grey-haired

zhūn zhūn gào jiè谆谆告诫tirelessly counsel

yuè nán越南Vietnam

nǐngscrew; wrong

ào qì líng rén傲气凌人put down others with one's arrogant attitude

chéng jìng诚敬sincerely

chuí chuí lǎo yǐ垂垂老矣old

jìng ér wú shī敬而无失respect without loss

róng rǔ bù jīng荣辱不惊remain indifferent whether favoured or humiliated

shǒu zú xiōng dì手足兄弟member: brothers

tiān dì wú cháng天地无常variable

hé huàn hū何患乎why worry about that