不可开交cannot get rid of or finish off
义正词严sternly speak out of a sense of justice
买账acknowledge somebody's superiority/seniority
内地interior; the mainland of China
嘀咕whisper; have something on one's mind
回敬do or give something in return; give somebody tit for tat
塞翁失马the old frontiersman losing his horse
对手formidable adversary; opponent
引导lead; instruct and guide somebody in actions towards a certain goal
挽回reverse the unfavourable situation; redeem
敏感sensitive; tend to elicit strong reactions
无理取闹be deliberately provocative
时而from time to time; now...now...
理直气壮be in the right and self-confident
肺腑lungs; the bottom of one's heart
通an instance of doing something unpleasant