D Chinese ICC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 4.

yī dàn一旦one day; some day

wàn wàn万万hundred million; absolutely

xià jiàng下降decline

bù fáng不妨may/might as well

sàng shī丧失lose

chuànstring together; string

zhǔ guǎn主管be responsible for; person in charge

zhēng lùn争论debate

rén lì人力manpower

rén qún人群crowd

jià qián价钱price

yī rán依然remain as usual; still

jùnhandsome; talented

ǎnwe; I

jiàn quán健全sound; regular

chōng jī冲击come under fire; pound against

dòng bu dòng动不动easily

dòng jī动机intention

yuán lǐ原理principle

fǎn fù反复repeatedly; reversal

kě xiào可笑funny; ridiculous

gè zì各自respective


shàn yú善于be good at

guó wáng国王king

zài yì在意care about

kēnghole; bury alive

tǎn kè坦克tank

wài jiè外界external/outside world; outside

duō kuī多亏owe something to somebody

lǎo lao姥姥grandmother; midwife

niángmum; a form of address for an elderly married woman

jú bù局部part

yìng pìn应聘accept a job offer

guīgo back; return something to

dài yù待遇deal with a person; remuneration

certainly; have to

zǒng suàn总算finally; considering everything

qià dàng恰当appropriate

shàn zi扇子fan

dǎ jiāo dào打交道have dealings with

bǎ wò把握hold;seize

yì yù抑郁gloomy

zhāo pìn招聘advertise for

zhǐ biāo指标target

cuò zhé挫折set back; defeat

xiānlift; cause to surge

tuī chí推迟put off

tuī xiāo推销peddle

dā pèi搭配collocation; cooperate

zǎo wǎn早晚morning and evening; sooner or later


mù jiang木匠carpenter

běn qián本钱capital; qualification, ability, condition, etc. that one can rely on

jī gòu机构mechanism; organization

quán lì权利right

jí duān极端extreme; exceedingly

zhù zi柱子pillar

bàngstick; fine

kuǎn dài款待treat cordially

sǐ wáng死亡die

poison; poisonous

qì fēn气氛atmosphere

law; standard

màn cháng漫长seemingly endless

chǎo gǔ炒股play the market

pào dàn炮弹shell

méi yóu煤油kerosene

máng rén盲人blind person

white; plain

sù zhì素质character

wǎng zhàn网站website

zhí wù职务post

zhí yuán职员functionary

gǔ piào股票share

néng liàng能量energy; ability

zì xìn自信be confident

jiù jiu舅舅mother's brother

hūnstrong-smelling vegetables which are not eaten by Buddhist vegetarians; meat or fish dishes

cái jiǎn裁减reduce

guān diǎn观点point of view; political stand/stance

jǐng gào警告warn; warning

dìng hūn订婚be engaged to

píng jià评价evaluate; evaluation

shuō fa说法wording; argument

shēn fèn身份identity; dignity

zhuǎn huà转化change; transform

guò chéng过程process

chí zǎo迟早early or late

cǎi fǎng采访interview; hunt for and collect

open country; rough

dīng zi钉子nail; saboteur

zhǎng xiàng长相appearance

zhènthunder; shake

fēng xiǎn风险risk

yǐn shí饮食food and drink; eat and drink

huáng jīn黄金gold; precious

chǒusecond of the twelve Earthly Branches; hideous


chǔdwell; get along