New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

hù zhù互助help each other

hù bǔ互补mutually complement; be at an supplementary angle to each other

huà shí dài划时代epoch-making

huá suàn划算calculate; be to one's profit

huà zhuāng化妆put on make-up

huà xiān化纤chemical fibre

huà féi化肥chemical fertilizer

huà shēn化身incarnation; embodiment

huà xiǎn wéi yí化险为夷turn danger into safety

huà yàn化验assay

huá lì华丽gorgeous

huá qiáo华侨overseas Chinese

huá yì华裔China and its neighbouring countries; ethnic Chinese

huá biàn哗变mutiny

huá rán哗然tumultuous

huàn qǐ唤起arouse; recall

huí shēng回升pick up

huí wèi回味aftertaste; call something to mind and ponder over it

huí guī回归return; regression

huí yì lù回忆录reminiscence

huí xiǎng回想recall

huí kòu回扣brokerage

huí luò回落fall after a rise

huí kuì回馈requite; feedback

huí shǒu回首turn one's head; look back

huài shì坏事bad thing; spoil something

huàn yǐng幻影mirage

huàn jué幻觉hallucination

huái yùn怀孕be pregnant

huái bào怀抱bosom; carry/hold in one's arms

huái jiù怀旧feel nostalgia

huǐ hèn悔恨be bitterly remorseful

huàndisaster; anxiety

huāng luàn慌乱alarmed and bewildered

huāng zhāng慌张flustered

hù lǐ护理nurse; care and protect

huīwave; wipe off

huàn qǔ换取exchange/barter something for

huàn yán zhī换言之in other words

huǎngshining; dazzle


huàng dang晃荡rock; saunter

huān hū欢呼cheer

huān shēng xiào yǔ欢声笑语cheers and laughter

huān kuài欢快cheerful and light-hearted

huān jù欢聚have a happy reunion

huǐ huài毁坏destroy

huǐ miè毁灭destroy

huì hé汇合join

huá bīng滑冰skating; glide/skate/slide on ice

huá tī滑梯children's slide

huá jī滑稽amusing; comic talk, a kind of Chinese folk art forms, popular in Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou

huá xuě滑雪slide on the snow; ski

huīash; dust

huī chén灰尘dust

huī xīn灰心lose heart

huàn fā焕发shine; display vigour

huán qiú环球round the world; the earth

huán rào环绕surround

huà cè画册picture album

huà zhǎn画展art exhibition

huà shé tiān zú画蛇添足draw a snake and add feet to it

huà lóng diǎn jīng画龙点睛bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes

huáng shang皇上emperor

huáng hòu皇后empress

huáng shì皇室imperial family; imperial government

huáng gōng皇宫palace

gruel; stick with paste

hú tu糊涂muddled; messy

huǎnrelaxed; slow

huǎn hé缓和relax; mild

huǎn màn缓慢slow

huā huì花卉flowers and plants; flower and plant painting

huā yàng花样pattern; trick

huā bàn花瓣petal

huā wén花纹decorative pattern

huānguncultivated; wasteland

huāng liáng荒凉bleak and desolate

huāng dàn荒诞preposterous

huāng miù荒谬absurd

huà tǒng话筒microphone; speaker

huà yǔ话语utterance

huà fèi话费telephone bill

huǎng yán谎言lie

huǎng huà谎话lie

huī huáng辉煌brilliant; describe outstanding and significant achievement

huán yuán还原restore; reduce

huáng hūn黄昏dusk

hù wéi互为for each other

huǎng rán dà wù恍然大悟suddenly see the light

huàn bìng患病suffer from an illness

huàn wèi换位exchange positions

huǎn huǎn缓缓gradually

huái zhe怀着be filled with

huái shù槐树Chinese scholar tree

hù xìn互信trust each other

huán kuǎn还款repayment

huái li怀里bosom

huàn yǒu患有suffer from

huàn chéng换成change to