New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

hé kuàng何况let alone; moreover

hé bì何必why

hé kǔ何苦why bother

hòu xuǎn rén候选人candidate

hòu dù厚度thickness

hòu dao厚道honest and kind/magnanimous

hé hū合乎accord with

hé huǒ合伙form a partnership

hé zuò shè合作社cooperative

hé chàng合唱sing in chorus

hé yǐng合影take a group photo/picture; group photo/picture

hé qíng hé lǐ合情合理fair and reasonable

hé ji合计think over; consult

hé zī合资pool capital

hòu rén后人futurity; posterity

hòu dài后代later ages; posterity

hòu qín后勤administrative affairs of institutions and organizations

hòu tái后台backstage support; backstage

hòu bèi后备backup

hòu qī后期later stage

hòu dùn后盾backup force

hòu xù后续follow up; remarry

hòu zhě后者the latter

hòu yì后裔offspring

hòu tuì后退draw back

hòu yí zhèng后遗症sequel; after effect

hòu gù zhī yōu后顾之忧disturbance in the rear

hǒushout; roar

hē hù呵护bless; take good care of

hū yù呼吁appeal

hū huàn呼唤call; call out

hū shēng呼声cry; opinions and requirements of the masses

hū yìng呼应work in concert with; coordinate

hū jiù呼救call for help

hū fēng huàn yǔ呼风唤雨summon wind and rain; stir up trouble

hé shang和尚Buddhist monk

hé píng gòng chǔ和平共处peaceful coexistence

hé qi和气friendly; friendship

hé mù和睦harmony; harmonious

hé ǎi和蔼amiable

hé jiě和解become reconciled


hōngguffaws; roar

hōng táng dà xiào哄堂大笑the whole room rocking with laughter

hóu lóng喉咙throat

hè cǎi喝彩cheer


hóng wěi宏伟grand

hóng guān宏观macroscopic view; macro

hóng yáng弘扬carry forward

hū you忽悠flicker; play tricks

hèn bu de恨不得one wishes one could

pip; nucleus

hé shí核实verify

hé duì核对check

hé tao核桃walnut; fruit of this plant

hé wǔ qì核武器nuclear weapon

hé diàn zhàn核电站nuclear power plant

hé néng核能nuclear power

hèngharsh and unreasonable; unexpected

héng qī shù bā横七竖八higgledy-piggledy

héng xiàng横向horizontal; east-west

hé liú河流river

hóng liàng洪亮loud and clear

hào jié浩劫catastrophe

hú pō湖泊lake

hōng tuō烘托add shading around an object to make it stand out; achieve the effect of prominence through contrast

hén jì痕迹mark

hé miáo禾苗seedlings of cereal crops

hóng pū pū红扑扑flushed

hóng rùn红润smooth, tender and rosy

hóng huo红火lively; flourishing

hóng dēng红灯red lantern; traffic light

hóng yǎn红眼see red; be jealous of

hóng shǔ红薯sweet potato

hú sī luàn xiǎng胡思乱想go off into flights of fancy

hú shuō胡说talk nonsense; nonsense

hú nào胡闹run wild

hé huā荷花the flower of lotus; lotus

hè xìn贺信letter of congratulation

hè diàn贺电message of congratulation

hè rán赫然awesomely; be terribly angry

hōngbang; rumble

hōng dòng轰动make a stir

hōng zhà轰炸bomb

hè lì jī qún鹤立鸡群like a crane standing among chickens -- stand head and shoulders above others

hēi kè黑客hacker

hēi xīn黑心black heart; avaricious

hēi shǒu黑手evil manipulator

hēi bái黑白black and white; right and wrong

hēi mǎ黑马dark horse

hé pàn河畔riverside

hōng gān烘干dry beside or over fire/heat; bakeout

hé chù何处where

hé shí何时when

hòu bèi xiāng后备箱trunk

hǒngfool; coax

hènghumph; snort

hào shí耗时time consuming

hū gāo hū dī忽高忽低high and low