New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

huǒ shí伙食food

huì chǎng会场conference/assembly hall

huì yì会意combined meaning; understanding

huì wù会晤meet with

huì zhěn会诊hold a consultation

huì miàn会面meet

jī lǜ几率probability

take into account; catch up

jí zǎo及早at an early date

jí tā吉他guitar

jí pǔ吉普jeep

jī yú基于on the basis of

jī zhǔn基准datum; standard

jī yīn基因gene

jī céng基层grass roots; foundation/base course

jī běn gōng基本功basic skill/training

hūn yīn婚姻marriage

hūn shā婚纱wedding dress

hūn mí昏迷be comatose

jī dòng机动motorized; flexible

jī mì机密secret; somet hin g t o be kept confident ial

jī zhì机智resourceful

jī ling机灵clever; shake with fear

jī cāng机舱engine room; cabin

huì jù汇聚gather in one place

huì jí汇集collect

huó qī活期current

huó gāi活该serve somebody right; should

hún shēn浑身from head to foot

hùn níng tǔ混凝土concrete

hùn zhuó混浊turbid

hùn xiáo混淆confusion; confuse

jī guāng激光laser

jī lì激励encourage; drive

jī huà激化intensify; aggravate

jī fā激发arouse; excite

jī huó激活activation; activate

jī sù激素hormone

huǒ hou火候duration and degree of heating, cooking, smelting, etc.; level of attainment

huǒ shān火山volcano

huǒ bào火暴fiery; vigorous

huǒ jù火炬torch

huǒ rè火热burning hot; intimate

huǒ yàn火焰flame

huǒ huā火花spark; picture printed on a matchbox

huǒ yào火药gunpowder

huǒ là là火辣辣burning; searing

huǒ sù火速at top speed

huǒ guō火锅chafing dish

jī xíng畸形deformity; lopsided

huò hai祸害disaster; bring disaster to

accumulate; long-standing

jī diàn积淀accumulate; accumulation

jī xù积蓄save; savings

huì shēng huì sè绘声绘色vivid

jī fū肌肤skin and muscle

huò xī获悉get to know

jī xiào讥笑jeer

huōcrack; sacrifice

huō chu qu豁出去be willing to risk everything

huò dá豁达generous

huò bì货币currency

huò wù货物goods

huò chē货车wagon

huò yùn货运freight transport

huì lù贿赂bribe; bribery

huò luàn霍乱cholera; acute gastroenteritis

jī è饥饿hungry

húnsoul; mood

huò duō huò shǎo或多或少in varying degrees

jī qǐ激起dash; stir up

huò shèng获胜be victorious

huó r活儿work

jí qí及其and