New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

chéng rén zhī wēi乘人之危make use of others' difficulties

chàng yì倡议bring forward/make a proposal; first proposal

chōngsufficient; fill

chōng shí充实substantial; substantiate

chōng dāng充当assume the office of

chōng pèi充沛vigorous

chōng cì冲刺spurt; make final efforts for success

chōng zhuàng冲撞charge; bump

chōng xǐ冲洗rinse; develop

chōng làng冲浪surf; surf

chī kuī吃亏come to grief; at a disadvantage

chī kǔ吃苦suffer

chǎo zuǐ吵嘴bicker

chéng xiàn呈现appear

cháo nòng嘲弄mock

cháo xiào嘲笑ridicule

chéng qiáng城墙city wall

chǐ dù尺度measure

chè yè彻夜all night

chéng chǔ惩处penalize

chéng fá惩罚punish

chéng qiān shàng wàn成千上万tens of thousands

chéng xíng成型form

chéng tiān成天all day long

chéng jiā成家get married; become a recognized expert in a branch of art or science

chéng nián成年all year round; grow up

chéng nián成年all year round; grow up

chéng cái成才become a useful person

chětug; tear off

chéng bāo承包contract

chéng zài承载bear the weight of

chāo xí抄袭lift/plagiarize/copy; copy

chíhold; maintain

chí jiǔ持久abiding

chí zhī yǐ héng持之以恒persist

chèremove; withdraw

chè huàn撤换dismiss and replace

cháo dài朝代dynasty; a certain historical period

chí táng池塘pool

chén sī沉思ponder

chén jìn沉浸soak something; be immersed in

chén diàn沉淀form a sediment; sediment

chén diàn diàn沉甸甸heavy

chén zhuó沉着composed; precipitate

chén wěn沉稳steady; untroubled

chén mí沉迷wallow

chén mèn沉闷oppressive; in low spirits

chéng qīng澄清clear; clarify

chàng tán畅谈talk freely and to one's heart's content

chàng xiāo畅销be in great demand

chī dāi痴呆stupid; insane

chī xīn痴心infatuation; crazy

chī mí痴迷be crazy about

chéngput in a container; contain


chēng hu称呼address; form of address in somebody's presence

chì bǎng翅膀wing; ability

chǐ xiào耻笑sneer at

chǐ rǔ耻辱humiliation

chèn tuō衬托serve as a foil to

chéng xīn chéng yì诚心诚意heartily

chéng kěn诚恳genuine

chéng yì诚意good faith

chéng zhì诚挚sincere

chì zì赤字deficit

chèntaking advantage of; possess

chèn zǎo趁早as soon as possible

chèn jī趁机seize the chance

chāo qián超前advanced; surpass others

chāo biāo超标exceed the provided standard

chāo chē超车overtake

chāo sù超速exceed the speed limit; hypervelocity

chē wèi车位parking space/bay/slot

chē xiāng车厢railway carriage

chē xíng车型car make and model

chē huò车祸traffic/car accident

chē lún车轮wheel

chē zhóu车轴axle

chē sù车速speed of a motor vehicle; speed of a lathe in operation

chē dào车道lane

chē jiān车间shop

chí zǎo迟早early or late

chí yí迟疑be shy about/of

chí chí迟迟late

chěng qiáng逞强flaunt/demonstrate one's superiority

chěng néng逞能show off/display one's skill or ability

chóng bō重播rerun; re-sow

chāo piào钞票money

chén liè陈列display

chén jiù陈旧old-fashioned

chén shù陈述state; statement

chí míng驰名be known far and wide

chī bu shàng吃不上be unable to get something to eat; miss a meal

chī hē wán lè吃喝玩乐eat, drink, and be merry

chéng wèn tí成问题be a problem

chéng zhī橙汁orange juice/crush/squash/extract

chéng qún jié duì成群结队gather in groups

chēng zuò称作called

chèn zhe趁着take advantage of

cháo zhe朝着towards