New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

bù liǎo liǎo zhī不了了之come to an end unsettled

bù yì lè hū不亦乐乎The Analects·Learning:"Isn't it a pleasure?"

bù yǐ wéi rán不以为然disagree

bù jiǎ sī suǒ不假思索without hesitation

bù xiàng huà不像话unreasonable; outrageous

bù kě sī yì不可思议unimaginable

bù kān不堪cannot bear/stand; cannot

bù fáng不妨may/might as well

bù dìng不定not necessarily; unsteady

bù yí不宜inadvisable

bù róng不容not allow; Burong

bù xiè不屑disdain to do something; be disdainful

bù yǐ不已endless

bù píng不平uneven; injustice

bù dé yǐ不得已act against one's will

bù xī不惜not stint

bù xiè不懈untiring

bù fú不服refuse to accept as final; not be accustomed/used

bù zhèng zhī fēng不正之风unhealthy tendency

bù yóu de不由得not allow; can’t help but

bù yóu zì zhǔ不由自主involuntarily

bù xiāng shàng xià不相上下almost on a par

bù jīng yì不经意be careless/thoughtless

bù yì ér fēi不翼而飞"fly without wings"; spread like wildfire/on the wings of the wind

bù chǐ xià wèn不耻下问be modest enough to learn from those in a lower position

bù jiàn dé不见得not necessarily

bù shì不适unwell

bǐngthe third of the ten Heavenly Stems; third

bó bo伯伯father's elder brother; a term of address for a man of one's father's generation who is older than one's father

bó mǔ伯母aunt; general term of address for a woman of one's mother's generation

bó fù伯父uncle; a general term of address for a man of one's father's generation

bīng shān冰山icy/ice covered mountain; iceberg

bīng gùn r冰棍儿ice-sucker

bié jù jiàng xīn别具匠心be gilded with ingenuity

bié shù别墅villa

biè niu别扭disagreeable; difficult to deal with

bié kàn别看despite

bié zhì别致unique

bié shuō别说let alone

bō xuē剥削exploit

bō duó剥夺deprive; deprive by law

bǔ yù哺育feed; nurture

bìng liè并列be juxtaposed

bìng xíng并行walk abreast; carry on at the same time

bìng gòu并购mergers and acquisitions

bìng fēi并非be actually not

biēhold back; oppressed

move or adjust; set aside

bō kuǎn拨款allocate funds/money; money appropriated

bǔ zhuō捕捉catch; to seize something that is fleeting or transient

bó dòu搏斗wrestle; struggle mentally

biāouppermost point of a tree; minor aspect

biāo běn标本root cause and symptoms of a disease; specimen

biāo bǎng标榜flaunt; boost

biāo shì标示indicate

biāo qiān标签label

biāo zhì标致beautiful/pretty/handsome in look and graceful in movement; Peugeot

biāo yǔ标语poster

bō jí波及involve

bō zhé波折twists and turns

bō tāo波涛billow

bō lán波澜huge waves

bìng chuáng病床hospital bed

bìng zhèng病症illness

bǐng chéng秉承take

bīn fēn缤纷in a glory of pleasing colours and shapes

bó zi脖子neck

bǔ jiù补救remedy

bǔ jǐ补给provide; provision

biǎo jué表决decide by vote

biǎo zhāng表彰commend

biǎo tài表态make known one's position

biǎo shuài表率model

biǎo bái表白express

biǎo shù表述explain

biāo shēng飙升skyrocket

bó huí驳回overrule

bù yà yú不亚于not second to

bù dé ér zhī不得而知unknown

bù shèn不慎careless

bù jǐng qì不景气depressed; in a depressing state

bù yòng shuō不用说needless to say

bù jiě不解be confused/puzzled/bewildered; be irreconcilable/indissoluble

bù qǐ yǎn不起眼not attract attention

bīn bīn yǒu lǐ彬彬有礼refined and courteous

bō tōng拨通make through

bù yǔ不予not grant

bù kě bì miǎn不可避免unavoidable

bù lǐ不理ignore

bù cí ér bié不辞而别leave without saying goodbye

bīn hǎi滨海coastal

bù fú qì不服气refuse to accept as final

bié tí le别提了Don't mention it.

bù kěn不肯be unwilling/reluctant/disinclined

bù lì yú不利于unfavourable

bù nán不难not difficult

bù rú shuō不如说it's better to say

bù suàn不算not count

bù tóng xún cháng不同寻常unusual

bù wéi rén zhī不为人知unknown