
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    prep.taking advantage of

    • wǒ chèn tiān qì hǎo gěi péng wū shuā yóu qī


      I took advantage of the good weather to paint the shed.

    • wǒ xiǎng chèn zhè ge jī huì shuō jǐ jù huà


      I'd like to take this opportunity to say a few words.

    • chèn lù shang méi chē gǎn jǐn guò


      Run across while the road is clear.

  • 2

    v.dialpossess; own

    • chèn jǐ dòng fáng zi


      possess several houses

    • chèn qián

      have pots of money

    • chèn jǐ tóu niú

      own several heads of cattle

Words and phrases with 趁

  • 趁热
    [word]while it is still hot; act before it is too late
  • 趁便
    [word]at one's convenience
  • 趁早
    [word]as soon as possible
  • 趁流性
  • 趁哄打劫
    [word]loot a burning house
  • 趁圩
    [word]go to a village fair
  • 趁愿
  • 趁风转帆
    [word]Hoist your sail when the wind is fair.
  • 趁墒
    [word]sow while there is sufficient moisture in the soil
  • 趁人之危
    [idiom]take advantage of another's perilous state
  • 趁心如意
    [idiom]give one the most satisfaction
  • 趁热打铁
    [idiom]strike while the iron is hot
  • 趁虚而入
    [idiom]avail oneself of the opportunity to get in
  • 趁势落篷
    [idiom]discontinue something at a propitious time
  • 趁火打劫
    [idiom]fish in troubled waters
  • 趁水和泥
    [idiom]make use of favourable conditions to get things done/to accomplish things/to achieve one's goal

Similar-form characters to 趁

Chinese Characters with pinyin chèn