Reduplicated words of AABB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of AABB.

yán shi严实tight; safely

mào shi冒失rash

fēn miǎo分秒instant

lì suo利索same as 利落

lì luo利落nimble; orderly

qín kěn勤恳sincere; hard-working and conscientious

yuán wěi原委all the details

dīng dōng叮咚tinkle

hēng ji哼唧mutter

luō suo啰嗦verbose; troublesome

dū nong嘟哝now written as 嘟囔

dū nang嘟囔mutter/mumble to oneself

xī hā嘻哈hip-hop

xī xī hā hā嘻嘻哈哈laughing and joking; facetious

dà fang大方generous; easy

yāo ráo妖娆enchanting

wěi qū委曲tortuous; ins and outs

gōng zhěng工整neatly written; antithesis used properly

máng luàn忙乱be in a rush and a muddle

měng dǒng懵懂muddleheaded

chōu yē抽噎sob

tuō tà拖沓dilatory

zhī wú支吾prevaricate

bān lán斑斓multicoloured

duàn duàn xù xù断断续续intermittent; intermittently

hūn chén昏沉murky; dazed

wāi xié歪斜askew

yīn yūn氤氲thick

hào dàng浩荡vast and mighty; immense

dī da滴答drip; tick

sè suō瑟缩cower

wèi suō畏缩flinch

bái jing白净fair and clear

mó ceng磨蹭lightly rub; move slowly

zǔ sūn祖孙grandparent and grandchild

zǔ zǔ bèi bèi祖祖辈辈generations

zǔ bèi祖辈ancestors

shén shen dāo dāo神神道道bizarre

shén dào神道superstitions about ghosts, gods, fortune and misfortune; Holy Way, passage way leading to a tomb

xiù qi秀气delicate; refined

wěn dang稳当reliable; steady

fēn rǎo纷扰chaotic

jiē ba结巴stammer; stammerer

huā shao花哨garish; varied

bèng tiào蹦跳jump

duǒ duǒ shǎn shǎn躲躲闪闪hedge

duǒ shǎn躲闪evade; find words to avoid a question without answering it head on

líng sǎn零散scattered

líng luò零落stripped of leaves; desolate

chàn chan wēi wēi颤颤巍巍trembling

piāo yáo飘摇drift about/waver/sway in the wind; turbulent

piāo líng飘零whirl and scatter; adrift

qí zhěng齐整neat

duàn xù断续intermittent

yūn hu晕乎dizzy

jiē jie bā bā结结巴巴hesitating in speaking

yán yán shí shí严严实实solid

mào mào shī shī冒冒失失heedlessly and unceremoniously

qín qín kěn kěn勤勤恳恳be diligent and conscientious

hēng heng jī jī哼哼唧唧groan and moan

dū dū nóng nóng嘟嘟哝哝mumble in whispers

dū dū nāng nāng嘟嘟囔囔mumble and sputter

máng máng luàn luàn忙忙乱乱hustle and bustle

zhī zhī wú wú支支吾吾hesitate in speaking

hūn hūn chén chén昏昏沉沉One's mind is in a whirl.

hào hào dàng dàng浩浩荡荡exceedingly great

dī dī dā dā滴滴答答flow in drops

sè sè suō suō瑟瑟缩缩soughing of the wind and trembling of the body

wèi wèi suō suō畏畏缩缩cowering

ǎi pàng矮胖dumpy

mó mó cèng cèng磨磨蹭蹭move slowly

wěn wěn dāng dāng稳稳当当safe and secure

bèng bèng tiào tiào蹦蹦跳跳caper

líng líng luò luò零零落落bits here and there

qí qí zhěng zhěng齐齐整整in good order

yūn yun hū hū晕晕乎乎dizzy

lì lì suǒ suǒ利利索索dexterous

chōu chōu yē yē抽抽噎噎sob and sniffle

wāi wāi xié xié歪歪斜斜shuddering

ǎi ǎi pàng pàng矮矮胖胖chunky

líng líng sǎn sǎn零零散散scattered

chàn wēi颤巍totter

bái bái jìng jìng白白净净used as a reduplicated word of 白净

bān bān lán lán斑斑斓斓used as a reduplicated word of 斑斓

dīng dīng dōng dōng叮叮咚咚used as a reduplicated word of 叮咚

fēn fēn miǎo miǎo分分秒秒used as a reduplicated word of 分秒

fēn fēn rǎo rǎo纷纷扰扰used as a reduplicated word of 纷扰

gōng gōng zhěng zhěng工工整整used as a reduplicated word of 工整

huā huā shào shào花花哨哨used as a reduplicated word of 花哨

lì lì luò luò利利落落used as a reduplicated word of 利落

luō luō suō suō啰啰嗦嗦used as a reduplicated word of 啰嗦

měng měng dǒng dǒng懵懵懂懂used as a reduplicated word of 懵懂

piāo piāo líng líng飘飘零零used as a reduplicated word of 飘零

piāo piāo yáo yáo飘飘摇摇used as a reduplicated word of 飘摇

wěi wěi qū qū委委曲曲used as a reduplicated word of 委曲

xiù xiù qì qì秀秀气气used as a reduplicated word of 秀气

yāo yāo ráo ráo妖妖娆娆used as a reduplicated word of 妖娆

yīn yīn yūn yūn氤氤氲氲used as a reduplicated word of 氤氲

yuán yuán wěi wěi原原委委used as a reduplicated word of 原委

zǔ zǔ sūn sūn祖祖孙孙used as a reduplicated word of 祖孙