Reduplicated words of AABB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of AABB.

qī cǎn凄惨miserable

dīng dāng叮当jingle

chǎo nào吵闹wrangle; disturb

wū yè呜咽sob; make a mournful sound

gū nong咕哝mutter

gū lu咕噜rumble

niè rú嗫嚅speak haltingly

cáo zá嘈杂noisy

ān fèn安分be law abiding; ampere-minute

nián suì年岁age; years

xīn xīn niàn niàn心心念念cherish the desire of

ēn yuàn恩怨gratitude and grudges; resentment

yōu yáng悠扬melodious

lǎn sǎn懒散indolent

zhàn lì战栗shiver

lā che拉扯drag; take pains to bring up

yáo bǎi摇摆sway; hesitate

qiāo dǎ敲打beat; say something to irritate or criticize someone

wén jìng文静gentle and quiet

běn fèn本分one's duty/part/obligation/job; be content with one's lot

sōng sǎn松散loose; inattentive

chén wěn沉稳steady; untroubled

yóu nì油腻greasy; greasy food

xiāo ting消停peaceful; have/take a rest

qīng lěng清冷chilly; deserted

qīng jìng清静quiet

miǎo máng渺茫distant and indistinct; uncertain

mǎn táng满堂whole audience; be brimming with

rè hu热乎nice and warm; chummy

qiān chě牵扯involve

suǒ suì琐碎trifling

gē ge dā dā疙疙瘩瘩bumpy

gē da疙瘩swelling on the skin; lump

fēng feng diān diān疯疯癫癫mentally deranged

fēng diān疯癫crazy

xī shū稀疏few and scattered

lǎo shào老少the old and the young

miǎn tiǎn腼腆bashful

shū tan舒坦comfortable

cāng liáng苍凉bleak

cǎo shuài草率negligent

xū shí虚实false or true

liàng qiàng踉跄stagger

duǒ cáng躲藏hide/conceal oneself

hōng lōng轰隆rumble

qīng qiǎo轻巧light and handy; deft

qīng kuài轻快brisk; lively

lā ta邋遢sloppy

mǎ hu马虎careless

mǎ mǎ hū hū马马虎虎palter with something; passable

wò chuò龌龊dirty; base

lā lā chě chě拉拉扯扯pull or drag somebody about; be hand in hand

lǎo lǎo shào shào老老少少the old and the young

lǐ wài里外inside and outside; about

chǎo chǎo nào nào吵吵闹闹make a noise

yōu yōu yáng yáng悠悠扬扬soft and ringing

lǎn lǎn sǎn sǎn懒懒散散lazy and loosened

zhàn zhàn lì lì战战栗栗tremble with fear

yáo yáo bǎi bǎi摇摇摆摆staggering

qiāo qiāo dǎ dǎ敲敲打打provoke with words

běn běn fèn fèn本本分分decorous

xū xū shí shí虚虚实实combination of the true and the false

liàng liàng qiàng qiàng踉踉跄跄roll from side to side as a drunken man

duǒ duǒ cáng cáng躲躲藏藏daren't show up openly

lǐ li wài wài里里外外inside and outside

nián nián suì suì年年岁岁every year

ān ān fèn fèn安安分分be contented with one's lot

miǎn miǎn tiǎn tiǎn腼腼腆腆publicity shy

shū shū tǎn tǎn舒舒坦坦at ease

xīn niàn心念think about

lè hē乐呵happy

cāng cāng liáng liáng苍苍凉凉used as a reduplicated word of 苍凉

cáo cáo zá zá嘈嘈杂杂used as a reduplicated word of 嘈杂

cǎo cǎo shuài shuài草草率率used as a reduplicated word of 草率

chén chén wěn wěn沉沉稳稳used as a reduplicated word of 沉稳

dīng dīng dāng dāng叮叮当当used as a reduplicated word of 叮当

ēn ēn yuàn yuàn恩恩怨怨used as a reduplicated word of 恩怨

gū gū lū lū咕咕噜噜used as a reduplicated word of 咕噜

gū gū nóng nóng咕咕哝哝used as a reduplicated word of 咕哝

hōng hōng lóng lóng轰轰隆隆used as a reduplicated word of 轰隆

lā lā tā tā邋邋遢遢used as a reduplicated word of 邋遢

lè lè hē hē乐乐呵呵used as a reduplicated word of 乐呵

mǎn mǎn táng táng满满堂堂used as a reduplicated word of 满堂

miǎo miǎo máng máng渺渺茫茫used as a reduplicated word of 渺茫

niè niè rú rú嗫嗫嚅嚅used as a reduplicated word of 嗫嚅

qiān qiān chě chě牵牵扯扯used as a reduplicated word of 牵扯

qīng qīng kuài kuài轻轻快快used as a reduplicated word of 轻快

qīng qīng qiǎo qiǎo轻轻巧巧used as a reduplicated word of 轻巧

qīng qīng jìng jìng清清静静used as a reduplicated word of 清静

qīng qīng lěng lěng清清冷冷used as a reduplicated word of 清冷

rè rè hū hū热热乎乎used as a reduplicated word of 热乎

sōng sōng sǎn sǎn松松散散used as a reduplicated word of 松散

suǒ suǒ suì suì琐琐碎碎used as a reduplicated word of 琐碎

wén wén jìng jìng文文静静used as a reduplicated word of 文静

wò wò chuò chuò龌龌龊龊used as a reduplicated word of 龌龊

wū wū yè yè呜呜咽咽used as a reduplicated word of 呜咽

xī xī shū shū稀稀疏疏used as a reduplicated word of 稀疏

xiāo xiāo tíng tíng消消停停used as a reduplicated word of 消停

yóu yóu nì nì油油腻腻used as a reduplicated word of 油腻

qī qī cǎn cǎn凄凄惨惨heartbreaking