Reduplicated words of AABB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of AABB.

shì dài世代generations; many years

fēng mǎn丰满plentiful; well-developed

qīn rè亲热affectionate; show love through action

tǐ miàn体面good-looking; creditable

lěng qīng冷清deserted

biè niu别扭disagreeable; difficult to deal with

gōu da勾搭collude with; have an affair

cōng máng匆忙hasty

yāo he吆喝cry out; peddle

hán hu含糊vague; careless

hé mù和睦harmony; harmonious

láo dao唠叨be garrulous

dí gu嘀咕whisper; have something on one's mind

ān wěn安稳smooth and steady; calm and poised

ān yì安逸easy and comfortable

xún mì寻觅look for

hū you忽悠flicker; play tricks

huǎng hū恍惚absent-minded; faint

ēn ài恩爱affectionate

gōng jìng恭敬respectful

huāng zhāng慌张flustered

huāng máng慌忙in a flurry

bān diǎn斑点spot

sī wén斯文scholar; refined

fāng zhèng方正upright and foursquare; righteous

hūn àn昏暗dim

lái qù来去make a round trip; come and go

yīn qín殷勤eagerly attentive

lín lí淋漓be dripping wet; free from inhibition

hùn dùn混沌primeval state of the universe according to Chinese legend; ignorant and dumb

qīng shuǎng清爽fresh and cool; relieved

qīng bái清白pure; clear

shuǎng kuai爽快refreshed; outright

chī dāi痴呆stupid; insane

chī mí痴迷be crazy about

pò làn破烂ragged

wěn tuǒ稳妥safe

kōng dòng空洞cavity; empty

kōng dàng空荡emptiness

bǐ zhí笔直bolt upright

hóng huo红火lively; flourishing

chán mián缠绵lingering; melodious and moving

āng zāng肮脏dirty; vile

huā cǎo花草flowers and plants

shuō xiào说笑talk and laugh

mí hu迷糊misted; confused

zhē yǎn遮掩cover; cover up

líng xīng零星fragmentary; scattered

diān dǎo颠倒turn upside down; be confused

shì shì dài dài世世代代age after age

lái lái qù qù来来去去come and go

zhēn jiǎ真假genuine and sham

lěng lěng qīng qīng冷冷清清desolate

gōu gōu dā dā勾勾搭搭have illicit relations with somebody of the opposite sex

cōng cōng máng máng匆匆忙忙hurriedly

hé hé mù mù和和睦睦in harmony

láo láo dāo dāo唠唠叨叨babble on and on

dí dí gū gū嘀嘀咕咕babble on and on

ān ān wěn wěn安安稳稳be firm and secure

huǎng huǎng hū hū恍恍惚惚be quite confused and stupefied

gōng gōng jìng jìng恭恭敬敬in an attitude of respect

huāng huang zhāng zhāng慌慌张张a hurry-skurry

sī sī wén wén斯斯文文cultured

qīng qīng bái bái清清白白be pure in mind and body

shuǎng shuǎng kuài kuài爽爽快快unhesitatingly

zhēn zhēn jiǎ jiǎ真真假假a mixture of truth and falsehood

kōng kōng dòng dòng空空洞洞devoid of content

shuō shuō xiào xiào说说笑笑have a pleasant talk together

mí mí hū hū迷迷糊糊difficult to make out

zhē zhē yǎn yǎn遮遮掩掩in a disguised manner

líng líng xīng xīng零零星星fragmentary

ēn ēn ài ài恩恩爱爱affectionately attached to each other

biè biè niǔ niǔ别别扭扭can not see eye to eye

hán han hū hū含含糊糊evasive

ān ān yì yì安安逸逸at ease

bān bān diǎn diǎn斑斑点点fleckiness

hūn hūn àn àn昏昏暗暗dusky

pò pò làn làn破破烂烂worn-out

āng āng zāng zāng肮肮脏脏dirty

bǐ bǐ zhí zhí笔笔直直used as a reduplicated word of 笔直

chán chán mián mián缠缠绵绵used as a reduplicated word of 缠绵

chī chī dāi dāi痴痴呆呆used as a reduplicated word of 痴呆

chī chī mí mí痴痴迷迷used as a reduplicated word of 痴迷

diān diān dǎo dǎo颠颠倒倒used as a reduplicated word of 颠倒

fāng fāng zhèng zhèng方方正正used as a reduplicated word of 方正

fēng fēng mǎn mǎn丰丰满满used as a reduplicated word of 丰满

hóng hóng huǒ huǒ红红火火used as a reduplicated word of 红火

huā huā cǎo cǎo花花草草used as a reduplicated word of 花草

huāng huāng máng máng慌慌忙忙used as a reduplicated word of 慌忙

hùn hùn dùn dùn混混沌沌used as a reduplicated word of 混沌

kōng kōng dàng dàng空空荡荡used as a reduplicated word of 空荡

lín lín lí lí淋淋漓漓used as a reduplicated word of 淋漓

qīn qīn rè rè亲亲热热used as a reduplicated word of 亲热

qīng qīng shuǎng shuǎng清清爽爽used as a reduplicated word of 清爽

tǐ tǐ miàn miàn体体面面used as a reduplicated word of 体面

wěn wěn tuǒ tuǒ稳稳妥妥used as a reduplicated word of 稳妥

xún xún mì mì寻寻觅觅used as a reduplicated word of 寻觅

yāo yāo hē hē吆吆喝喝used as a reduplicated word of 吆喝

yīn yīn qín qín殷殷勤勤used as a reduplicated word of 殷勤

hū hū yōu yōu忽忽悠悠entranced