Reduplicated words of AABB model

Here are all the common reduplicated words in form of AABB.

dīng dāng丁当ding-dong

liàng tang亮堂bright; clear

líng dīng伶仃lonely; emaciated

tōu tōu mō mō偷偷摸摸furtive

pī pā劈啪sound of crackling

bàn ban lā lā半半拉拉unfinished

bàn lǎ半拉half

jī gu叽咕whisper; grumble

chuī chuī dǎ dǎ吹吹打打beating drums and blowing trumpets; ballyhoo

chuī dǎ吹打play wind and percussion instruments; attack

kū ku tí tí哭哭啼啼weep and wail

pī pā噼啪snap

tuǒ tiē妥帖fitting

céng dié层叠overlap

yōng lù庸碌mediocre and unambitious

niǔ ní忸怩bashful

bēi qiè悲切mournful

bēi qī悲戚sad

niǔ nie扭捏walk affectedly with a swing; behave coyly

tuī sǎng推搡shove and push

sōng sōng kuǎ kuǎ松松垮垮loose; slack

zhī jié枝节branches and knots; unexpected difficulty

gōu gōu kǎn kǎn沟沟坎坎difficulties one meets

hún è浑噩confused

hún hún è è浑浑噩噩ignorant

xī lì淅沥sound

mǎn mǎn dāng dāng满满当当full to the brim

liáo cǎo潦草illegible; sloppy

xī rǎng熙攘bustling with activity

xī xī rǎng rǎng熙熙攘攘bustling with activity

suǒ xiè琐屑trivial

shū lǎng疏朗thinly scattered; cheerful

lěi luò磊落open and upright; many and jumbled

kē pèng磕碰knock; clash

xī xi luò luò稀稀落落thinly scattered

xù dao絮叨be long-winded; repetitive

xiū xiū dā dā羞羞答答shy

fān fù翻覆overturn; great and thorough change

cōng lóng葱茏luxuriantly green

cōng yù葱郁verdant and luxuriant

niǎo nuó袅娜soft and slender; delicate and graceful/willowy

hōng hōng liè liè轰轰烈烈dynamic

shùn dang顺当successful

shùn liu顺溜well-arranged; obedient

chàn you颤悠flicker

chàn chan yōu yōu颤颤悠悠shaking

guǐ suì鬼祟monster; furtive

nián hu黏糊sticky; slow-moving

tōu mō偷摸steal

qī huáng凄惶sad and anxious

zhāo zhāo mù mù朝朝暮暮from morning till night

gōu kǎn沟坎gully sill

guǐ guǐ suì suì鬼鬼祟祟furtive

hēng hā哼哈hem and haw

yōng yōng lù lù庸庸碌碌be busy over trivialities without making the slightest contribution to society

niǔ niǔ ní ní忸忸怩怩in an embarrassed manner

bēi bēi qiè qiè悲悲切切sad and touching

niǔ niǔ niē niē扭扭捏捏affectedly bashful

tuī tuī sǎng sǎng推推搡搡push and shove

fú fú tiē tiē服服贴贴as to leave nothing further to be desired on his part

fú tiē服贴docile; be convinced

zhī zhī jié jié枝枝节节complexity and diversity

hún dùn浑沌chaotic

xī xī lì lì淅淅沥沥the continuous patter of raindrops

mǎn dang满当full to the brim

shén guǐ神鬼supernatural

xù xù dāo dāo絮絮叨叨babble ceaselessly/incessantly

fān fān fù fù翻翻覆覆vacillating

niǎo niǎo nuó nuó袅袅娜娜delicate and graceful

shùn shùn dàng dàng顺顺当当by a happy chance

zhāo mù朝暮morning and evening; from morning till night

sōng kuǎ松垮slack

pǎo pǎo tiào tiào跑跑跳跳run and jump in a vivacious way

dīng dīng dāng dāng丁丁当当clatter

pǎo tiào跑跳running jump

líng líng dīng dīng伶伶仃仃left alone without help

pī pī pā pā噼噼啪啪cracking sound

tuō tuō tà tà拖拖沓沓dilatory

hōng liè轰烈dynamic

jī zhā叽喳chirp

kū tí哭啼cry

xiū dā羞答shy

bēi bēi qī qī悲悲戚戚used as a reduplicated word of 悲戚

cōng cōng lóng lóng葱葱茏茏used as a reduplicated word of 葱茏

cōng cōng yù yù葱葱郁郁used as a reduplicated word of 葱郁

hún hún dùn dùn浑浑沌沌used as a reduplicated word of 浑沌

jī jī gū gū叽叽咕咕used as a reduplicated word of 叽咕

kē kē pèng pèng磕磕碰碰used as a reduplicated word of 纪念币

lěi lěi luò luò磊磊落落used as a reduplicated word of 磊落

liàng liàng táng táng亮亮堂堂used as a reduplicated word of 亮堂

liáo liáo cǎo cǎo潦潦草草used as a reduplicated word of 潦草

nián nián hū hū黏黏糊糊used as a reduplicated word of 黏糊

pī pī pā pā劈劈啪啪used as a reduplicated word of 噼啪

shén shén guǐ guǐ神神鬼鬼used as a reduplicated word of 神鬼

shū shū lǎng lǎng疏疏朗朗used as a reduplicated word of 疏朗

suǒ suǒ xiè xiè琐琐屑屑used as a reduplicated word of 琐屑

tuǒ tuǒ tiē tiē妥妥帖帖used as a reduplicated word of 妥帖

xī luò稀落become sparse

qī qī huáng huáng凄凄惶惶rushing about in distress

shùn shùn liū liū顺顺溜溜smoothly and obediently