
Chinese dictionary
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  • adj.deserted; lonely; desolate; cold and cheerless/dreary/gloomy

    • hòu shān de yóu rén shǎo jiù xiǎn de hěn lěng qīng


      The backside of the hill is less visited and looks very quiet.

    • guò qù zhè yī dài shí fēn lěng qīng


      In the past this area was very desolate.

    • nǐ yī gè rén bù huì gǎn jué lěng qīng ma


      Do you not get lonely on your own?

    • zhè lǐ shí fēn lěng qīng


      It's very quiet here.

    • tā yī gè rén zhù zhe shí fēn lěng qīng


      He's very lonely, living all by himself.

    • gōng yuán de zhè yī jiǎo luò hěn lěng qīng


      It is very quiet in this corner of the park.

    • xiàng zi li shí fēn lěng qīng yī gè rén yǐng r dōu méi yǒu


      Not a soul could be seen down the desolate alley.

Word usage

  • "冷清" can be reduplicated, for example: "冷清清","冷冷清清".
    • 深夜冷清清

      The road was completely deserted deep at night.

    • 会议

      The meeting went on dull and dry.