Common separable words HSK 2

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 2.

xià nǎi下奶stimulate the secretion of milk

xià bǐ下笔begin to write or paint

xià yào下药prescribe medicine; add/put poison in

xià dàn下蛋lay eggs

xiū xué休学suspend one's schooling without losing one's status as a student

gòng shì共事work together

lěng chǎng冷场awkward silence on the stage when an actor enters late or forgets his lines; be met with awkward silence at a meeting

chū gōng出工go out for work; supply the labour

chū shī出师complete an apprenticeship; send out an army

chū yuè出月be after the end of this month

chū piào出票draw a bill; sell tickets

fēn jiā分家split/divide up family property and live apart; separate split up

fēn shēn分身spare time from one's main work

dào diǎn到点it is time

dòng qì动气take offence

dòng bǐ动笔start writing/drawing

zhù xìng助兴liven things up

mài chàng卖唱sing for a living

mài hǎo卖好curry favour with

mài xiào卖笑be forced to earn/make a living as a singing girl or a prostitute

mài shēn卖身sell oneself or a family member; sell one's body

chī zhǔn吃准be certain

tóng fáng同房share a room; have sexual intercourse

tóng lù同路go/take the same way

tīng fáng听房eavesdrop outside the bridal chamber

chàng piào唱票call out the names of those voted for while counting ballot-slips

huí mén回门visit his in laws with his newly-wed wife

duì gē对歌sing in antiphonal style

jiù shǒu就手while you're at it

bāng gōng帮工help with farm or other work; helper

kāi piào开票make out an invoice, receipt, voucher, etc.; open the ballot box and count the ballots

kāi bǐ开笔begin to learn to write poems and compositions in one's life; start writing or practising calligraphy in a year

kāi kè开课school begins; teach a subject

kāi dào开道clear the way; make way

dǎ yǎn打眼drill; eye-catching

dǎ yào打药spray agricultural chemicals like insecticide; purgative

zhǎo shì找事seek employment; pick a quarrel

zhǎo bìng找病get ill because of one's own actions; bring vexation on oneself

zhǎo qián找钱give change

bào shí报时give the correct time

yóu shuǐ游水swim

diǎn tí点题highlight; specify the questions to be answered and solved

xiàn yǎn现眼make a spectacle of oneself

shēng shì生事make trouble

lí tí离题digress from the subject

chuān bāng穿帮give the game away; flub one's lines

ràng lù让路give somebody the right of way

shuō shū说书tell a story

zǒu yàng走样lose shape

zǒu shuǐ走水leak water; flow

zǒu diàn走电leakage of electricity

zǒu yǎn走眼see wrong

zǒu yùn走运be in luck

qǐ yì起意conceive a design

pǎo diàn跑电electric leakage

pǎo tí跑题deviate from the point at issue

dào xǐ道喜congratulate somebody on a happy occasion

cuò kāi错开stagger

cuò chē错车cede/yield the right of way

tí míng题名inscribe one's name; autograph

tí zì题字write; inscription

shàng yào上药apply medicine

rèn zhǔn认准identify positively; firmly believe

pǎo dòng跑动run; refers to activities for the purpose of building relationships

dǎ yú打鱼fish

kāi qíng开晴clear up

zǒu piào走票amateur performance