Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

bǎo méi保媒arrange a match

dǎo huì倒汇speculate in foreign exchange

dǎo yá倒牙put one's teeth on edge

tōu qiǎo偷巧take a crafty shortcut; shirk by avoiding the difficult and time-consuming

tōu yíng偷营make a surprise attack on an enemy camp

quàn jià劝驾urge somebody to accept a post or an invitation

bāo xí包席order a complete menu; full banquet menu provided by a restaurant

cún shí存食suffer from indigestion

kāi dòng开冻thaw

dǎ shí打食look/search for food; aid digestion/evacuation of the bowels

chāo dào抄道take a shortcut; shortcut

zhé zhàng折账pay a debt in kind

chōu qīng抽青spout and bud

ná quán拿权be in authority saddle

ná dǐng拿顶stand on one's head

huàn jiān换肩shift the carrying pole or load from one shoulder onto the other

zhuàng suǒ撞锁spring lock; go to visit somebody only to be greeted by a locked door

cāo shén操神trouble

xiē fá歇乏recover from fatigue

pán zhàng盘账examine accounts

yí diào移调transposition

nà pìn纳聘bridegroom's family delivering betrothal gifts to the bride's family

luò zhàng落账make an entry in an account book

guǒ luàn裹乱disturb

tǎo zhàng讨账ask for payment for goods

diào juàn调卷ask for examination papers/the transfer of records

chèn qián趁钱be rich/wealthy

cí suì辞岁bid farewell to the outgoing year

cí líng辞灵bow to the coffin before leaving

huán xí还席give a return banquet

tuì yā退押return security money

tòu huà透话hint; clear words

dào fá道乏extend thanks to somebody for helping the trouble out

xiāo zhàng销账write off an account

dǐng zhàng顶账repay a debt

lǐng dào领道lead the way

shēng dàng升档rise to a higher level

xù qīn叙亲through conversations, they found out and determined that they were related; relatives talk intimately

péi cuò赔错acknowledge a mistake

zhāo yuàn招怨invite hatred

chī xí吃席attend a feast

chéng tóu承头take responsibility

zhuā fū抓夫pressgang

pǎo zhàng跑账send someone from one's business to collect outstanding debts

gǎn bǎi赶摆attend a traditional reunion of Dai ethnic to worship the Buddha

gé liáng隔凉be insulated from cold

yǎo jià咬架have a fierce fight