Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

shàng dòng上冻freeze

shàng shuì上税pay taxes

xià zhuāng下装remove theatrical stage makeup and costume; clothing worn from the waist down

mǎi zhàng买账acknowledge somebody's superiority/seniority

dài zhí代职hold a position in an acting capacity; a position in an acting capacity

huì cāo会操take concerted exercises

shēn tuǐ伸腿stretch one's legs; step in to gain an advantage

dǎo piào倒票scalp tickets

zuò shòu做寿hold a birthday party

tíng shí停食indigestion

tōu kòng偷空snatch a moment

tōu xián偷闲loaf on the job; snatch a moment of leisure

chōng jūn充军be sent into exile

yǎng bīng养兵maintain or keep an army

jiān kè兼课do some teaching apart from one's main occupation; teach two or more courses concurrently

jiǎn piào剪票get one's ticket punched/clipped

dòng tǔ动土start building/construction

zhù zhàn助战assist in fighting; bolster one's morale

shēng bān升班go up

yā zhèn压阵keep the situation under control; bring up the rear

jiào zhèn叫阵challenge the general of an opposite camp to battle

qǐ fēng启封unseal; open an envelop or wrapper

huí qīng回青turn green

yuán chǎng圆场help to effect a compromise; walk in circles around the stage to represent a long journey

yuán fáng圆房consummate

tào huì套汇buy foreign exchange by illegal means; engage in arbitrage (of foreign exchange

tào chē套车hitch up/harness a draught animal to a cart

cún liáng存粮stock up food grain; grain in store

shǒu yè守业safeguard one's heritage

shǒu líng守灵keep vigil beside the coffin

jiù bàn就伴accompany somebody

gàn jià干架quarrel; come to blows

guī gōng归公hand in to the state

chéng qì成器grow up to be a useful person

tuō mèng托梦appear in one's dream to deliver a message or make a request

tóu qīn投亲seek refuge with one's relatives

zhé shòu折寿discount somebody's lifespan

yā bǎo押宝stake

yā chē押车guard a vehicle

chāi tái拆台cut the ground from under somebody's feet

bài shòu拜寿congratulate an elderly person on his birthday

guà zhàng挂账buy or sell on credit suspend repayment

tiǎo tóu挑头corbel out

tiǎo huā挑花cross-stitch

huàn fáng换防relieve a garrison; send the garrison to another station

zhǎng zuǐ掌嘴slap somebody in the face

pái léi排雷removal of mines

jiē chǎn接产practice midwifery; deliver animals of their young

jiē jià接驾welcome the emperor

miáo jīn描金trace a design in gold

jiù chǎng救场save the show or performance

jiù jià救驾come to the rescue of the emperor

duàn jiāo断交break off a friendship; break off/cut off diplomatic relations

duàn gēn断根have no heir; be completely cured

duàn àn断案settle a lawsuit; conclusion

duàn liáng断粮run out of food/grain

xiǎn xíng显形show one's colours

tì bān替班take somebody else's place; a person who takes over another's shift

fú ruǎn服软admit or acknowledge defeat; admit one's mistake

xiē shǒu歇手stop doing/working

cè zì测字fortune-telling by analysing the component parts of a Chinese character

xiàn bǎo献宝present a treasure; offer a valuable piece of advice or one's valuable experience

huà yā画押sign

zháo huāng着慌get nervous

jī shí积食suffer from indigestion; undigested food accumulated in the stomach

dā yán答言respond

quē qín缺勤be absent from duty

nài láo耐劳able to endure hard work

jù qí聚齐gather

bèi rén背人keep from public knowledge; out of the way

tuō jiāo脱胶fall off; degum

luò cháo落潮ebb tide

xíng lìng行令play a drinking game; issue an order

bǔ piào补票buy a ticket after the normal time

zhuāng jiǎ装假pretend

jiě fá解乏recover from fatigue

jiě chóu解愁get rid of one's worries

chù dǐ触底touch bottom

shè jú设局set a trap

shuō méi说媒act as a matchmaker

xiè dǐng谢顶go bald

bài zhèn败阵suffer defeat

tiē jīn贴金cover with gold leaf; touch up

qǐ yè起夜get up in the night to urinate

fǎn chǎng返场give an encore

fǎn qīng返青turn green

huán sú还俗return resume secular life

huán zuǐ还嘴retort

gé zhí革职dismiss

dǐng bān顶班work as a substitute for somebody absent; work on regular shifts

shǒu yuē守约abide by an agreement

tóu hé投河jump into a river to drown oneself

yáo chuán摇船row a boat

shōu zhàng收账charge to an account; collect debts

diǎn bīng点兵gather men for a roll call

fān dì翻地turn up the soil

dìng yuē订约contract

kè shuì课税tax; taxes

zhuǎn xì转系change/switch one's major from one subject to another

hé jià核价appraise and fix the price