Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

shàng zhàng上账enter something in an account

xià zhàng下账enter into the account book

diū chǒu丢丑lose face

jiāo zhàng交账hand over the accounts; account for

liàng dǐ亮底put one's cards on the table; reveal/show the result or the final result

chuán zhǒng传种propagate

shēn yāo伸腰straighten oneself up; not to be bullied any more

dǎo shǒu倒手move from one hand to the other; change hands

dǎo bān倒班work in shifts

tōu zuǐ偷嘴take food on the sly

cuī nǎi催奶stimulate the secretion of milk

chū zhàng出账enter an item of expenditure in the accounts; expense

cì zì刺字brand a prisoner by tattooing or other means; tattoo

huà dòng化冻melt

yā tái压台stabilize the situation; present a theatrical performance as the last item on a programme

shòu shǎng受赏be rewarded/cited

chuī dēng吹灯blow out a lamp; kick the bucket

tào bǎn套版register; process plate

shǒu xiào守孝observe a period of mourning for one's deceased parent

kāi jiè开戒be freed from religious restrictions

kāi jiāo开胶come unglued

kāi zhàng开账make out a bill; pay the bill

huǐ qí悔棋retract a false move in a chess game

dài xiào戴孝go into mourning

dǎ chā打叉check with a cross

dǎ shǎn打闪flash

tuō dǐ托底set up foundation for

chéng qíng承情be indebted to

zhuā zhōu抓周Whatever it picks up indicates its future interests.

zhuā xiā抓瞎find oneself at a loss

tóu shī投师seek instruction from a master

yā kuǎn押款borrow money on security; loan on security

chōu shuì抽税levy or impose a tax according to a tax rate

chāi zì拆字tell one's fortune by taking apart a chosen or given Chinese character

zhāo zāi招灾court disaster

pīn bǎn拼版typeset

fàng qīng放青graze

sàn xí散席end; cheap, unnumbered seat

xiǎn néng显能exhibit one's skill

tì gōng替工work as a temporary substitute; a temporary substitute

qiàn chǎn欠产fall short of the production target

qiàn qíng欠情be indebted to somebody

xiē liáng歇凉enjoy the cool in some shade

xiē gōng歇工stop work; close down

xiē qì歇气have a rest/break

xiē bān歇班be off duty

zhì yìn治印carve a seal

qīng zhàng清账square an account; detailed accounts that have been sorted out

lòu guāng漏光leak light; leak out

lòu zuǐ漏嘴slip out

pán kù盘库take stock of warehouse inventory

chuān xiào穿孝be in mourning

lì zì立字write and sign an agreement/a contract/a receipt/an IOU

lì hù立户register for a household residence card; open an account with the bank

lì yuē立约conclude/sign a contract

lì zhàng立账open an account

qiān yā签押put one's signature or seal on an official document

nà liáng纳粮hand in grain tax

nà gòng纳贡pay tribute

jué chǎn绝产legacy without rightful heirs; have no harvest

huǎn qì缓气take a breather

bèi qì背气stop breathing temporarily

bǔ jià补假take deferred holidays; carry out procedures for leave retroactively

rèn zhàng认账acknowledge a debt; admit what one has said or done

diào dàng调档transfer one's files

diào fáng调防switch from the front line to the rear

zǒu shéng走绳ropewalking

qǐ líng起灵move somebody's coffin or ashes to the burial place

zhuǎn wén转文lard one's speech with literary allusions/quotations

zhuǎn kē转科transfer from one department of a hospital to another; change one's major

guò zhàng过账transfer items

fǎn cháo返潮get damp

huán zhàng还账pay one's debt

yù jiù遇救be saved

pèi xì配戏play a supporting role

xiāo jià销假report one's return from a leave

xiāo chāi销差report about one's completion of a mission/a task/an assignment; fire somebody

xiāo àn销案bring a case to a close

dǐng shì顶事be able to do the job

dǐng shù顶数serve as a fill-in; have effect

mà jià骂架quarrel

dìng miáo定苗final singling of seedlings

fú miáo扶苗set a lodged plant upright

yáo mì摇蜜extract honey

xiàn chǒu现丑make a fool of oneself

qiáo bìng瞧病see a doctor; see a patient

luò suǒ落锁be locked

píng mó评模choose model workers through public appraisal

wéi lìng违令disobey orders

fā cháo发潮get damp/moist

zhāi xīn摘心pinching

liàn cāo练操drill

tuì guān退关shut-out

lǐng kuǎn领款draw money

xù huà叙话chat

pī jià批假approve a request for leave

jìng xiāng敬香offer incense

zhuǎn bèi转背same as 转身

guò shòu过寿celebrate the birthday of an elderly person

qǐ miáo起苗move seedlings from the nursery for transplantation