Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

shàng cāo上操be drilling

xià zhǒng下种sow

luàn tào乱套muddle things up

cóng liáng从良cease to be a prostitute by getting married

fù zhàng付账pay

xiū zhàn休战armistice

jiè shì借势take advantage of someone else's power

jiè sù借宿stay overnight at somebody else's place

zhí yè值夜keep night watch

zuò méi做媒be a matchmaker between

chōng shù充数make up the number

yǎng shén养神repose

chū cāo出操go out to do exercises

chū miáo出苗sprout

quàn jià劝架mediate between two quarreling parties

quàn jiǔ劝酒urge somebody to drink more

láo shén劳神be a tax; trouble

mài guāi卖乖show off one's cleverness

cān tòu参透fully comprehend

xù jiù叙旧have a chat over the old days

hán hèn含恨cherish resentment

chǎo zuǐ吵嘴bicker

huí guō回锅cook again

duī xiào堆笑put on a smile

shī shì失势lose power and influence

shī chǒng失宠be in disgrace

kuā kǒu夸口boast

qǔ qīn娶亲get married; go to pick up his bride at her house

shǒu suì守岁stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve

dìng biān定编finalize the organizational structure; personnel quota

kuān yī宽衣take off your coat

jìn xiào尽孝display filial piety to one's parents

kāi fāng开方extract a root; write a prescription

kāi guō开锅boil; run wild

dé shì得势be in power; get the upper hand

dé chǒng得宠be a favorite with somebody

liàn jiā恋家be reluctant to leave home

dǎ quán打拳box

dǎ qiāng打枪shoot; impersonate someone else in an examination

sǎo wěi扫尾round off

sǎo léi扫雷demine

chāo jiā抄家search somebody's house and confiscate his property

zhuā yào抓药make up a prescription of Chinese herbal medicine; have a prescription of Chinese herbal medicine made up

bào zhàng报账apply for reimbursement

zhāo bīng招兵recruit soldiers

zhǎng yìn掌印keep the seal; preside over

tí gàn提干promote a government official to a higher position; promote to leadership

sōu shēn搜身frisk

gǎo guǐ搞鬼play tricks

fàng dú放毒poison; make vicious remarks

fàng dǎn放胆act boldly and with confidence

dòu qì斗气quarrel just to vent one's spleen

dòu fǎ斗法contest in magic powers; plot secretly and scheme against each other

duàn dàng断档be out of stock; have a severe shortage of talents in certain aspects

shī lǐ施礼make a bow

shā jià杀价force down the price

qiú qiān求签divine by drawing lots at a temple

lòu fēng漏风leak air; speak indistinctly with one or more front teeth missing

tàng tóu烫头same as 烫发

xiàn chǒu献丑show oneself up

xiàn xíng现形reveal one's true features

pò jiè破戒break the religious commandments; make an exception

pèng bēi碰杯clink glasses

jié yuàn结怨incur hatred

biān mù编目catalog; catalogue

suō shǒu缩手draw back one's hand; shrink from doing something

tuō xiāo脱销be sold out

bǔ quē补缺supply a deficiency; bridge the gap

jiě hèn解恨have one's hatred slaked

jiǎng hé讲和make peace

péi xiào赔笑smile a fawning smile

zǒu xíng走形be warped

zhuǎn chē转车change trains or buses

lún bān轮班take turns

cí xíng辞行bid farewell

huán jià还价counter-offer

huán kǒu还口answer back

huán lǐ还礼return a salute; send a return gift

jìn gòng进贡pay tribute; give a gift in exchange for a favour

tuì wèi退位abdicate; take a back seat

tuì bīng退兵withdrawa; force the enemy to retreat

tuì hūn退婚annul engagement for marriage

tuì zhí退职quit a job

tòu fēng透风let in air; spread out to dry

bì qì闭气involuntarily stop breathing; hold one's breath

dǐng zuǐ顶嘴reply defiantly

dǐng yòng顶用be able to do the job

tào mǎ套马lasso a horse

yàn kè宴客host a dinner in honour of the guests

huī lèi挥泪shed tears

lái shén来神become enthusiastic/excited

táo mǐ淘米wash rice

huá shuǐ滑水water skiing

dēng àn登岸go ashore

rào lù绕路make a detour

pāi zhǎng拍掌clap one's hands

ná bǎ拿把strike a pose in order to enhance one's own importance

miǎn guān免官dismiss/depose from office

bào tuán抱团stick together

shēn tóu伸头crane one's neck