Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

xià cāo下操have a workout; finish drilling

xià shén下神invite a spirit to possess oneself and speak

jiāo juàn交卷hand in an examination paper; complete a task

dài kè代课cover a class for an absent teacher

shāng shén伤神be stressful; sad

dǎo tóu倒头lie down; die

zuò bàn做伴keep somebody company

zuò guǐ做鬼play tricks; die

tíng bǎi停摆stop

rù tǔ入土be interred

rù zhàng入账enter an item in an account

chū chǒu出丑be disgraced

chū zhèn出阵go into battle; take part in

fēn shén分神distract; polite words used to ask for help

zhì bǎn制版make plate

shēng gé升格promote

chā yāo叉腰rest one's hands on the hips

fā wēi发威demonstrate one's prowess

fā huāng发慌feel nervous

fā jì发迹gain fame and fortune

shòu cháo受潮be affected with damp

shòu xùn受训receive training

chī tòu吃透have a thorough grasp of

hé lóng合龙close

hán xiū含羞be bashful

hǎn huà喊话propaganda directed to the enemy at the front line; communicate by tele-equipment

huí cháo回潮get damp again; resurge

yuán mèng圆梦interpret a dream; realize one's dream

tào xiàn套现convert non-cash assets to cash

cún dàng存档keep in the archives; save file

shǒu yè守夜keep watch at night

ān yíng安营encamp

dìng shén定神pull oneself together; concentrate one's attention

kuān xīn宽心put somebody's mind at rest

kāi pào开炮open fire with artillery; fire criticism at somebody

guī dàng归档file

niàn jīng念经chant Buddhist scriptures

huái hèn怀恨nurse hatred

jiè yán戒严impose a curfew

bǎ fēng把风keep watch

tóu yào投药prescribe; apply poison

zhāo gǔ招股raise capital by floating shares

tiǎo dēng挑灯raise the wick of an oil lamp; hang up a lantern

mō tóu摸头get to know something

gǎi jià改嫁remarry

jiù jí救急help somebody to cope with an emergency; give emergency treatment

duàn hòu断后have no children/heirs/offspring/progeny; bring up the rear

xiǎn líng显灵make its presence or power felt

fú dú服毒take poison

lái cháo来潮come in; get one's period

qiàn zhàng欠账owe a debt; outstanding accounts

xiē yè歇业go out of business

xiāo shí消食help to digest

lòu diàn漏电leak electricity

lòu shuì漏税evade payment of a tax

lòu wǎng漏网escape unpunished

tàng fà烫发give or have a permanent wave

tàng shǒu烫手scald/burn the hand; troublesome

xiàn huā献花present flowers or bouquets to a respected person

shuǎi shǒu甩手swing one's arms; wash one's hands of

pò cái破财lose money

ài yǎn碍眼be an eyesore; be in the way

pèng bì碰壁run up against a stone wall

jī dé积德accumulate merit

lì yè立业establish a career; establish a business

jué bǎn绝版out of print; exhausted edition

jué zhǒng绝种become extinct

fān àn翻案reverse or overturn a verdict; overturn the original punishment, conclusion or comment, etc.

fān chē翻车overturn; run into difficulties

shě mìng舍命risk one's life

xùn huà训话admonish

xiè mù谢幕answer a curtain call

fèi shén费神need/exert great mental effort

péi běn赔本sustain losses in business

zhuǎn chǎn转产change the line of production

zhuǎn kǒu转口transit; go back on one's word

zhuǎn liǎn转脸turn one's face; in no time

wéi xīn违心against one's will

tuì chǎng退场leave

tuì cháo退潮ebb tide

tuì piào退票return/cancel a ticket; a returned/unused ticket

táo xué逃学escape school

xuǎn zhǒng选种select seeds

zào jù造句make a sentence

yí jīng遗精emission

pèi yào配药dispense a prescription

cǎi fēng采风collect folk songs and stories, rhymes and tales; actors, writers and other grass-roots people experience life and understand the customs of the people

chuǎng guān闯关break through a barricade

kào biān靠边keep to the side; step down from one's post

dǐng tiān顶天reaching a limit or extreme degree

lǐng mìng领命take an order/instruction

lǐng lù领路lead the way

mà jiē骂街shout abuses in the street

shàng tào上套harness a draught animal to a cart, etc.; fall into a trap

shàng suǒ上锁lock

xià guō下锅put into the pot or pan and start cooking

dào tíng到庭appear in court

péi tǔ培土earth up; reinforcing the spleen

zǒu shén走神be absent-minded

qiú shén求神ask for blessings from god