冀hope; another name for Hebei Province
嘛particle for indicating something which is obvious
屹towering like a mountain peak
揪hold tight; pull out and uncover
摄take a photograph of; act for
案table; wooden saucer for serving meals
棋chess or any board game; chess piece
棚canopy, awning or shelter of reed mats, etc.; shed
盏a small cup; cup-shaped utensil
糟dregs; pickle food with wine or grains
缀sew; put words together correctly
羞shy; make somebody feel ashamed
裁cut into parts with a knife or scissors; reduce
裳skirt worn in ancient China by both men and women
贯pass through; be linked together
趴lie on one's stomach; bend over
距distance; be at a distance from
雅standard; odes from the Western Zhou dynasty