Yu Wen Grade 8(A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 8(A).

yī sī bù gǒu一丝不苟be meticulous

bù xùn不逊impertinent

yè yǐ业已already

wéi fù bù rén为富不仁be rich and cruel

jiāo xiè交卸hand over official duties to a successor; unload and deliver the goods

rén cí仁慈benevolence; kind

zhòng cái仲裁arbitrate

rèn láo rèn yuàn任劳任怨willingly bear the burden of office

diàn nóng佃农tenant farmer

rù mù sān fēn入木三分having forceful strokes; penetrating

qī rán凄然mournful

líng kōng凌空be high up in the air

láo lù劳碌run-down

nì míng匿名conceal one's true identity

chuī xū吹嘘crow

wū hū呜呼alas; die

zhōu jì周济relieve

páo xiào咆哮roar; roar with fury/rage

hé yán yuè sè和颜悦色wearing a pleasing and gracious face

qì yǔ器宇bearing

rú mèng chū xǐng如梦初醒realize suddenly

xián shú娴熟adept

wǎn rú宛如just like

kuān hòu宽厚thick and broad; tolerant and generous

qí qū崎岖rugged

jù é巨额huge/immense amount/sum

píng yōng平庸mediocre

jiàn shù建树contribute; attainment

wēi miào微妙delicate

qiǎo rán悄然sad; quiet

yú dùn愚钝stupid

wèi miǎn慰勉comfort and encourage

yì yáng dùn cuò抑扬顿挫in cadence


xiéhold something under the arm; coerce

zhǎng gù掌故anecdotes

chānsupport somebody with one's hand; mix

cuī kū lā xiǔ摧枯拉朽be like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood

jiào huì教诲teach

xīn xiù新秀new star

wéi gān桅杆longeron; radio mast

yīng huā樱花cherry tree; cherry blossom

zhèng rén jūn zǐ正人君子a man of honour/ integrity

zhèng jīn wēi zuò正襟危坐straighten one's clothes and sit properly

dān jīng jié lǜ殚精竭虑cudgel one's brains

lì qīng沥青asphalt

xiè qì泄气lose heart; pathetic

hào hàn浩瀚vast; numerous

yóu guàng游逛stroll about

kuì tuì溃退beat a precipitate retreat

drown; be addicted to

zhì liú滞留be detained

xiāo sǎ潇洒natural and unrestrained

zào rè燥热hot and dry; dryness-heat

láng jí狼藉scattered about in a mess; hopelessly discredited

yóu zhōng由衷heartfelt

jī xíng畸形deformity; lopsided

bái shǒu qǐ jiā白手起家start from scratch

yǎn huā liáo luàn眼花缭乱be dazed/dazzled

dū zhàn督战supervise military operations

sī shú私塾private school

zhì xī窒息suffocate; hinder the development of something

jīn pí lì jìn筋疲力尽tired out

sù sù簌簌rustle; streaming/coursing down profusely

cū cāo粗糙coarse; careless

fēi hóng绯红bright red

jiāng shéng缰绳halter

qiáo shǒu翘首raise one's head and look

dǎn qiè胆怯cowardly

yíng guāng荧光fluorescence

luò dì落第fail in an imperial examination at and above township level

méng mèi蒙昧barbaric; ignorant

cáng wū nà gòu藏污纳垢store dirt and accept filth—shelter evil people and countenance evil practices

yào sài要塞fort

jié zé诘责censure

chéng huáng chéng kǒng诚惶诚恐in veneration and trepidation

fù xián赋闲be out of office

chóu chú踌躇hesitant; complacent

pán shān蹒跚staggering

xuān áng轩昂dignified; tall and big

qīng yíng轻盈slim and graceful; light-hearted

circuitous; clinging to outworn rules and ideas

lián yè连夜that very night; continue for several night in a row

yí zhǔ遗嘱will

jiǔ sì酒肆wineshop

kù sì酷似be exactly like

ruì bù kě dāng锐不可当be irresistible

juān kè镌刻engrave

bān fā颁发issue; confer


hè lì jī qún鹤立鸡群like a crane standing among chickens -- stand head and shoulders above others

yǒu hēi黝黑dark

mǎ guà马褂men's short coat

zhòu yǔ骤雨torrential downpours/rains

yǎo wú xiāo xī杳无消息have never been heard of since

shēn wù tòng jí深恶痛疾hate bitterly

bù chuò不辍incessant

jǐn bēng紧绷tense

bǐng xī liǎn shēng屏息敛声hold one's breath

yóu guāng kě jiàn油光可鉴oily and shiny to the point of reflecting