Yu Wen Grade 8(B)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 8(B).

fǔ kàn俯瞰overlook

qī liáng凄凉desolate; miserable

míng fù qí shí名副其实be something in reality as well as in name

hé yán yuè sè和颜悦色wearing a pleasing and gracious face

xuān huá喧哗uproarious; make an uproar

xuān téng喧腾be in noise and excitement; noisy

wǔ mèi妩媚attractive

ān yíng zhā zhài安营扎寨camp

chuān liú bù xī川流不息pass by endlessly

nù bù kě è怒不可遏beside oneself with anger

gōng shùn恭顺respectful and submissive/obedient

kángshoulder; undertake independently

cā shì擦拭clean

dūn shi敦实stocky

kuàng yě旷野wilderness

yìng zhào映照cast light upon

léng jiǎo棱角edges and corners; pointedness

fú zào浮躁impetuous

yǎn yì演绎deduction; display

màn bù jīng xīn漫不经心in a careless way

yóu yù犹豫be irresolute

tiào wàng眺望look into the distance from a high place

shùn xī wàn biàn瞬息万变change rapidly

chù lì矗立tower

yàninkstone; term derived from the fact that classmates sharing the same desk oft. shared their writing brushes and inkslabs

shuò dà硕大huge

fēn zhì tà lái纷至沓来pour in

liáo rào缭绕coil up

yì rì翌日next day

fěi cuì翡翠jade; halcyon

cāng jìng苍劲old and strong; vigorous

màn yán蔓延trail

zhàndip in

qián chéng虔诚pious

wān yán蜿蜒wriggling; winding

rú dòng蠕动squirm; peristalsis

huò rán豁然sudden flash of understanding

qīng gē màn wǔ轻歌曼舞sing merrily and dance gracefully

qīng yíng轻盈slim and graceful; light-hearted

dòu liú逗留stay

zhá kǒu闸口sluice-way

dǒu qiào陡峭cliffy

suì dào隧道tunnel

hire; hail

diān bǒ颠簸jolt

yì dào驿道post road

tíng tái lóu gé亭台楼阁pavilions, terraces and towers

qióng dǐng穹顶dome

fēng yún biàn huàn风云变幻a changeable situation

wǔ cǎi bān lán五彩斑斓riot of colours

lì lì zài mù历历在目come clearly into view

luò yì bù jué络绎不绝in an endless stream

jiē zhǒng ér zhì接踵而至one after another

dǎ gé打嗝hiccup

mù xuàn shén mí目眩神迷feel dazzled/dizzy