Yu Wen Grade 8(B)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 8(B).

bù xiū biān fú不修边幅not care about one's appearance

bù zhī suǒ cuò不知所措be at a loss

tōu tōu mō mō偷偷摸摸furtive

guāng míng zhèng dà光明正大aboveboard and straightforward

diāo líng凋零withered, fallen and scattered about; declining

fēn bēng lí xī分崩离析disintegrate

bō xuē剥削exploit

shì lì势力power

bēi liè卑劣despicable

bēi bǐ卑鄙contemptible; humble

gào jiè告诫give a warning

xuān rǎng喧嚷clamor

mái mò埋没bury; bury

duò luò堕落corrupt

duō duō yì shàn多多益善the more, the better

diàn dìng奠定establish

xuān gào宣告declare

hán jìn寒噤shiver

tú shā屠杀massacre

shān lù山麓mountain foot

wéi mù帷幕heavy curtain

gān yù干预intervene; interference

píng yì jìn rén平易近人amiable and easy to approach; easy to read and understand

mí màn弥漫diffuse

qiǎng cí duó lǐ强词夺理resort to sophistry

páng huáng彷徨walk back and forth; hesitate

kǒng bù恐怖dreadful; terror

bēi fèn悲愤grievous and indignant

fú zhí扶植foster

dān jīng shòu pà担惊受怕feel alarmed

zhuō liè拙劣inferior

zhāo yáo zhuàng piàn招摇撞骗bluff and deceive

zhǐ zhāi指摘censure

zhì ài挚爱love sincerely

tàn chá探查examine; surveying

tàn tǎo探讨inquire into

tuī sǎng推搡shove and push

wú chǐ无耻shameless

xiǎo de晓得know

bào fēng zhòu yǔ暴风骤雨violent storm

quán wēi权威authority; person or organ of authority

kū zào枯燥uninteresting

jiā suǒ枷锁chains

gé wù zhì zhī格物致知pursue knowledge through intense study of objects

jiǎn tǎo检讨make a self-criticism; inspect

huǐ miè毁灭destroy

dú shǒu毒手violent treachery

gǔ gǔ汩汩gurgle

shā lì沙砾grit

gōu hè沟壑gully

zhǎo zé沼泽marsh

hào jié浩劫catastrophe

hǎi kū shí làn海枯石烂the seas run dry and the rocks crumble

qīng tán清谈bunk; talk meaninglessly

shī lù lù湿漉漉wet

xuán wō漩涡whirlpool

jī biàn激变stir up a rebellion; bring about violent/drastic/abrupt change

tè dì特地specially

jiǎo biàn狡辩indulge in sophistry

shòu liè狩猎hunt

pán xuán盘旋hover; hang on

mù dǔ目睹see with one's own eyes

mù kōng yī qiè目空一切consider everybody and everything beneath one's notice

xiāng fǔ xiāng chéng相辅相成complement one another

miáo zhǔn瞄准aim; cater to

xī shū稀疏few and scattered

xuàn lì绚丽gorgeous

jiān mò缄默keep silent

fū qiǎn肤浅shallow

fǔ shí腐蚀corrode; pervert

gāo yao膏药plaster

zì yuán qí shuō自圆其说make one's statement valid

yíng rào萦绕hover

mán hèng蛮横peremptory

xíng jiāng jiù mù行将就木have one foot in the grave

xiù shǒu páng guān袖手旁观look on/stand by with folded arms

zhuāng zhì装置install; device

qiǎng bǎo襁褓swaddling clothes; infancy

wū miè诬蔑slander

tiē qiè贴切apt

fù yǔ赋予endow

dǔ zhù赌注counter for gambling

qū shì趋势trend

zōng jì踪迹trace

qiān xǐ迁徙move

yū huí迂回circle; bypass

yāo qǐng邀请invite

zhōng ài钟爱cherish


yáng fèng yīn wéi阳奉阴违comply in appearance but oppose in heart

zǔ ài阻碍obstruct; obstacle

zhèn ěr yù lóng震耳欲聋deafen the ear with its roar

shà shí霎时same as 霎时间

fēng kǒu làng jiān风口浪尖the teeth of a storm and the crest of a tidal wave

chí chěng驰骋gallop; active in a certain field

jūn liè龟裂be full of cracks; chap

qián hū hòu yōng前呼后拥be escorted imposingly

tiǎo bō lí jiàn挑拨离间drive a wedge between

chuí jī捶击thrashing

hōng kǎo烘烤bake