
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1


    • yóu yú tōng huò péng zhàng gāi guó huò bì dà dà biǎn zhí le


      Owing to runaway inflation, that country's currency has greatly depreciated.

    • miàn duì huò bì biǎn zhí mín zhòng gǎn dào wú néng wéi lì


      In the face of currency devaluation, people feel powerless.

    • zhèng fǔ cǎi qǔ cuò shī yìng duì rén mín bì biǎn zhí


      The government took steps to deal with the devaluation of the RMB.

  • 2

    v.devalue; diminish in value

    • dāng jīn shí dài dà xué shēng yǐ jīng dà dà biǎn zhí le


      Today, college students have greatly depreciated.

    • mín zhòng biǎo shì zhī chí zhī shi fù fèi yīn wèi bù néng ràng zhī shi biǎn zhí


      The public expressed support for paying for knowledge, because knowledge cannot be devalued.

    • rén cái biǎn zhí ràng xǔ duō xué zhě liú xiàng hǎi wài


      The devaluation of talent has sent many scholars overseas.

Word usage

  • "贬" and "值" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 黄金时间不了

      Gold will not fall in value in a short time.

    • 古董

      This antique has never depreciated.

    • 经济危机期间货币

      During the economic crisis, the currency has depreciated several times.