
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1; display; manifest; acquit/conduct oneself

    • tā de yōu diǎn biǎo xiàn zài xǔ duō fāng miàn


      His strengths are manifested in many respects.

    • tā xīn lǐ hěn bù gāo xìng kě shì méi yǒu biǎo xiàn chū lái


      She was unhappy, but she didn't show it.

    • tā zài zhàn dòu zhōng biǎo xiàn de hěn yǒng gǎn


      He fought bravely in the battle.

  • 2

    n.behaviour; manifestation; performance; expression

    • jīng jì shì jī chǔ zhèng zhì zé shì jīng jì de jí zhōng biǎo xiàn


      Economics is the base and politics the expression of economics.

    • tā yīn zài xiào de biǎo xiàn hǎo ér huò jiǎng


      He won a prize for good behaviour at school.

    • tā zuó tiān de biǎo xiàn yǒu diǎn r fǎn cháng


      His behaviour was a bit strange yesterday.

  • 3

    v.derogshow off

    • tā zhè ge rén hěn hào biǎo xiàn


      she likes to show off.

    • tā yī guàn ài biǎo xiàn hào chū fēng tou


      He always shows off and hogs the limelight.

Word usage

  • Note
    "表现" is different from "体现". "体现" is "show the essence by phenomena; "表现" refers "external expressions such as looks and speeches".

Chinese words with pinyin biao xian