
Chinese dictionary
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  • v.quarrel; be at loggerheads (with somebody); bicker over; brawl

    • tā men kāi shǐ chǎo jià le


      They've started quarrelling.

    • wǒ hé tā chǎo jià le


      I had a quarrel with him.

    • tā men chǎo jià hòu zǒng shì néng hěn kuài yán guī yú hǎo


      They always make up their quarrel quickly.

    • hé lín jū chǎo jià


      have a row with a neighbour

    • bàn zuǐ chǎo jià


      have a quarrel

Word usage

  • "吵" and "架" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 我们

      We had a quarrel yesterday.

    • 他们结婚20从来没有

      They have been married for 20 years and have never quarreled.

    • 你们之前

      How many quarrels have you had before?

  • "吵架" is often matched with measure word "次".
    • 吵架

      one quarrel