chèn zhí

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • adj.competent; fully-qualified; fill a post with credit; be well qualified for a post

    • tā zài dān wèi li dān rèn guo hǎo jǐ zhǒng zhí wù dōu hěn chèn zhí


      He has held several different posts in the firm and proved himself competent at all of them.

    • tā shì gè chèn zhí de jiào shī


      He is a qualified teachers.

    • tā dié dié bù xiū de niàn dao zhe jǐng chá bù chèn zhí


      He kept on blathering about police incompetence.

    • bù chèn zhí


      be incompetent

Word usage

  • "称" and "职" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 作为领导从来没有

      As a leader, he has never filled this post with credit.