
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • called/named

    • shí yán zài huà xué shang bèi chēng wéi lǜ huà nà


      Sodium chloride is the chemical term for table salt.

    • tā pèi bèi chēng wéi xué zhě


      He deserves to be called a scholar.

    • zhè zhǒng shè jì hòu lái bèi chēng wéi dōng fāng fēng gé


      This design came to be known as the Oriental style.

Word usage

  • "称" and "为" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 报告2011历史年份

      The report calls 2011 one of the hottest years in history.

    • 大家袁隆平杂交水稻

      People call Yuan Longping the father of hybrid rice.

Chinese words with pinyin cheng wei