chū fā diǎn

Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.starting point (of a journey); point of departure; jumping-off point

    • wǒ men de chū fā diǎn shì quán xīn quán yì wèi rén mín fú wù


      Our point of departure is to serve the people heart and soul.

    • tā jiāng rén shēn zì yóu zhè yī guān diǎn zuò wéi tā de chū fā diǎn


      She takes the idea of personal freedom as her point of departure.

    • yán jiū de chū fā diǎn


      the starting point for a study

  • 2

    n.metapurpose; aim; point of consideration; point of departure

    • nǐ men de chū fā diǎn shì duì de


      Your intention was good.

    • shuāng fāng de chū fā diǎn bù tóng ér mù dì zé shì yī zhì de


      Despite different intentions, the two sides seek for the same goal.

    • zhè xiē shì tán pàn de xiàn shí chū fā diǎn


      These represent a realistic starting point for negotiation

Word usage

  • "出发点" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • 出发点

      one starting point