
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1 (silently)

    • jīng dú

      read intensively

    • yuè dú


    • pǐn dú

      read article

  • 2 aloud/out

    • qǐng zài gěi wǒ dú yī biàn

      Please read it back to me.

    • tā bǎ zhè fēng xìn dú gěi wǒ men dà jiā tīng


      She read out the letter to all of us.

    • qǐng nǐ dà shēng dú zhè běn shū


      Please read this book aloud.

  • 3

    v.attend school

    • dú wán dà xué


      finish college

    • tā dú wán gāo zhōng rán hòu jiù cān jiā le gōng zuò


      He found a job after finishing high school.

    • zǒu dú

      attend a day school

  • 4 pronounced in a certain way

    • dú pò

      pronounce variedly

Words and phrases with 读

  • 读破句
    [word]erroneous pause
  • 读头
    [word]read head
  • 读者
  • 读电路
    [word]reading circuit
  • 读书人
    [word]intellectual; student
  • 读经
    [word]reading and studying Confucian classics such as the The Five Classics or The Thirteen Classics; read scriptures
  • 读图
    [word]interpret blueprints/drawings
  • 读物
    [word]reading material
  • 读破
    [word]read a character in its alternate pronunciation
  • 读书三到
    [idiom]the three things to use in reading a book

Word usage

  • Note
    "读" is generally pronounced as "dú". When pronounced as "dòu", it refers to the pause in the sentence. In ancient times, short pauses were called "dòu", written as "读", and longer pauses were called "句". They are called "句读" collectively.

Similar-form characters to 读

Chinese Characters with pinyin

  • single; old people without offspring
  • poison; poisonous
  • ditch; show disrespect/contempt
  • calf
  • a word used in a person's name