
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    n.dialeating place; restaurant

    • zhè jiā fàn diàn gōng yìng jiā cháng biàn fàn fēi cháng kě kǒu


      This restaurant serves plain food which is very delicious.

    • mù qián zhèng zhí lǚ yóu wàng jì fàn diàn bīn kè yíng mén


      It is the peak tourist season and the hotel is full of guests.

    • xǔ duō fàn diàn fú wù rén yuán bì xū bào jǐng lái chǔ lǐ kè rén de wú lǐ qǔ nào


      Many hotel attendants have to call the police to deal with an unreasonable guest.

  • 2

    n.hotel; large and well appointed hotel

    • tā jīng yíng yī jiā fàn diàn


      He operated a hotel.

    • nà jiā xiǎo fàn diàn shēng yi xīng lóng


      The small restaurant is doing a brisk business.

    • tā shì zhè jiā fàn diàn de lǎo gù kè jīng cháng guāng lín zhè lǐ


      He is a regular customer of this restaurant.

Word usage

  • "饭店" is often matched with measure word "个"or"家".
    • 饭店

      one restaurant

    • 饭店

      one restaurant