
Chinese dictionary
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  • 1

    v.till (a field); plough; plow

    • jī qì gēng dì bù jǐn kuài hái hǎo


      Machines plough fast and well.

    • wǒ jīn tiān yào gēng dì


      I am going to plow the land today.

    • wǒ men yòng niú gēng dì


      We use cattle to plow the land.

  • 2

    n.cultivated land; cultivated fields; farmland

    • bù yào suí yì zhàn yòng gēng dì


      No one is allowed to lightly encroach on cultivated land.

    • zhè shì wǒ jiā de gēng dì


      This is the cultivated land of my family.

    • wǒ mǎi le yī kuài gēng dì


      I bought a piece of cultivated land.

Word usage

  • "耕" and "地" can be combined as one word, or be used separately with other elements inserted.
    • 一天

      He was tired out after a day's plowing.

    • I have plowed the field.

    • 今天不了

      I'm sick and can't plough the field today.